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Half-Life and TFC Maps

These are zip files so after you download them you need to unzip them. Save the Half-Life maps in Half-Life/valve/maps. Put TFC maps in Half-Life/tfc/maps

  • Faciltity - A conversion of the Faciltiy from GoldenEye 007 on N64 - 500k
  • After Hours - A small map good for geting lots of frags, but its kind of dark since its supposed to take place "after hours" - 134k
  • Sublab - A realy realy REALY small map, it is very hard to camp in this map - 854k
  • PzMalice - Just a medium sized map that is built around an indoor courtyard type thing - 360k

  • Square 1 TFC - An arena in which you just kill each other it is fun though - 83k <--yup thats it no typeo
  • TFC Border 2a - Its a hunted map with a twist. The prez is supposed to be an illegal alien from Mexico who is trying to get to USA oh yeah there can be a unlimted amount of prezes - 243k
  • Will add more maps as I upload them takes time on a 28.8 modem!