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Stoosie -

Private First Class

ahem (I like saying ahem)

Well it all started a long time back, when I wanted a page done for my friends clan (SPUD) so I posted a lil message in PlanetFortress and well I got alotta replies, Madskill was the first one to e-mail me, so I let him do the task, well after minutes of pondering, I thought I should join another clan, cause all the members in [SPUD] were hardly ever online. So I asked Mad if he was in a clan, surely enough he had his own clan, and I joined.

Even today I dunno what to play, I guess I'm multi-skilled...

The reason I started playing Half Life and TFC is cause I heard all my friends from #worms on IRC in the undernet talking about how kick ass this game was, and damn them I can't stop playing now... On a T1 I just whoooooop ass at anything, I don't care if I suck at any class, all I care is contributing to my team. Weather it's offense or d they make me be, I kick ass. The End

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