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My Family

This is my Mom and Dad....Harry and Linda.

The Best Parents EVER!!

They are the ones that got me into computers.

Thank you both for bringing a whole new world into my life!!

I'm sad to say that my daddy passed away November 28, 2006. He had been very sick with his heart and lungs for a long time.

This is my Grandma Grace and my younger brother Sal.

Two VERY special people in my life.

I'm sad to say my grandma passed away in August 2001. I will forever love her and miss her greatly. Mammow helped me alot while dealing with my cancer. You see, she too was a cancer survivor.

Here are some more Special people in my life.

This is my older brother Aaron and his wife Donna.

Aaron and I don't have the "brother-sister" bond I wish we had, but I love him and his family very much.

Here is Aaron, Donna, Tiffani, Amber and Shelby

And this is A.J.(Aaron)and his wife Nikki.

And this is my younger brother Sal with his wife Kelly.

And here with his step-daughter Jessi.

This is Sals son Jim and his wife Kelsey followed by their son Joshua.