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Stars we have met....

Thank you WALMART...I knew there was something special I loved about that store. ;-)

On Saturday March 13, station WPOC

brought us Mr. Clint Black for an autograph session for his new cd.

We not only got to meet him, but we got our pics taken with him

and Micheal J. Fox of WPOC.

That was a day my daughters and I will NEVER forget.


Okay here is a picture of Patrick Muldoon (what a HOTTIE!!!).

I met him at the Baltimore Custom Car show back in 1993.

Thats Amanda with me. :-)

Now this is an OLD picture.

My mom and I met Claude Akins, Rosie Greer and Frank Converse

when they were in Maryland back in 1975 filming the tv show..

"Movin' On".

Aaron Tippen

Bucky Covington