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You Know You Watch Too Much Sailor Moon When...

  • You Freaked when Mara opened a 5th page!

  • You wonder if you can be Sailor Asteroid Belt.

  • The spirits in the fire are now calling you and you put them on hold because Sailor Moon is on.

  • You join the animal rescue league in hopes that you might find Luna.

  • You begin to cross your favorite thing with Sailor Moon i.e, Sailor Eponine, Tuxedo Jones (as in, From Indiana Jones), Sailor Beanie Baby......

  • You can rattle off more than 50 of these by memory.

  • You personally own more than 5 Sailor Moon sites.

  • You have at least 50 or more Sailor Moon sites bookmarked (I counted all of mine to make sure of the right number!).

  • You have written numeros letters to Rachel Blanchard (Clueless) asking her to wear her hair in meatballs on an episode of the show to show

  • You flood Starfox's mailbox with hatemail for closing down the first YKYWTMSMW page (don't actually do this....)

  • Last summer you were seen running around throwing ice cubes screaming "Mercury Ice Bubbles Freeze!"

  • You dress up like Zoisite and go around school trying to find the 7 rainbow crystals. When people laugh at your costume, you throw rose petals in their face.

  • You dress up like Malachite and crash a Sailor Moon stage show, state who you are, what you want (the crystal) and start throwing pink boomerangs at them.

  • When security drags you away you scream out Zoisite's name and yell that your going to join her real soon.

  • The security gaurds at the DIC know you by name.

  • All you have to do is THREATEN to talk about Sailor Moon to shut up your friends! :)

  • You play all you Sailor Moon sound files backwards to see it there are any hidden messages that everyone else missed.

  • You still like Malachite, even though you know 'the truth'.

  • You go antiquing for your very own Crystal Key.

  • You find a strong resemblence between Tuxedo Nephlyte and Howie D as a vampire in the Everybody (Backstreet's Back) video.

  • You now put Star Seed atop you Christmas tree or Hanuchka bush.

  • You've printed every Sailor Moon fan-fiction off the web and created you very own Sailor Moon library.

  • No matter how hard you try, the people at the publishing company won't seem to accept your Sailor Moon Novel.

  • You join anti-moon pages so you can bring them down from the inside!

  • People you don't even know come up to you and hand you a Sailor Moon item they bought on their vacation for the simple reason that they "saw it and immediately thought of you".

  • You don't want a car for your sixteenth birthday, you want a plane ticket to Japan.

  • You whip out your Sailor Moon wallet during a school function, and all the moonies you converted are summoned to you.

  • You have been dubbed "The Sailor Moon Queen" but you insist that they call you Queen Serenity instead.

  • You had to add extra memory to your computer just so you could keep all your Sailor Moon files.

  • You got a Chibi Chibi doll, directly imported from Japan.

  • Instead of talking, you just say "Chibi chibi"

  • You run up to people, shove your Chibi Chibi doll in their face and scream "Chibi Chibi!" in their ears and when they say "Who is this?" you say "Chibi Chibi." and when they say "What?" you say "Chibi Chibi" etc...

  • You draw the sign of Mercury on your homework and tests, in hopes of scoring a higher grade.

  • You put cheesy quotes from the Sailor Says into your email signature file.

  • You decide not to talk about Sailor Moon for the barely manage to get to school.

  • You make your very own, "Moonie and proud of it!" pin and stick it onto your backpack.

  • You know the theme song by heart, but when someone asks you to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, you're clueless.

  • You and your moonie pals hold Sailor Moon Marathons each week, and have contests over who remembers the most lines.

  • You are immensely jealous when you don't win those contests.....

  • You rejoiced when you heard Sailor Moon was coming to Cartoom Network June 1st, see SOS for more details.

  • You grab your non-Moonie pals to your weekly Sailor Moon Marathons...and convert them into Moonies!

  • You make a comic for the school newspaper with at least three Sailor Moon in-jokes a day.

  • You could be mistaken for a Senshi at first glance.

  • You look physically like one Senshi but spend all your time searching for the right clothes...

  • You have to make a hero for creative writing.

  • You submit a Sailor Moon fanfic and get an A+.

  • You did it! You did it! After 6 months of waiting, you hair is long enough and just wavy enough to look exactly like Sailor Jupiter's! Now where's that transformation pen...

  • You get Nephlyte's little symbol encrusted on your class ring.

  • When you dream, you dream that you have hit the motherload of sailor moon goodies! You've done ALL of these before you eve knew this list existed!

  • You send your very own made-up Sailor Scout to Mara at When you see the Blues Brothers 2000, you immediately drag all your friends (moonie or not) to see it 'coz when they sing "Ghost riders in the sky", there's a Sailor Moon doll in a stall for around half a second!

  • You get cought surfing down the lanes of the supermarket in a shoping cart like Sailor Mars.

  • You try to teach your black cat to talk to you.

  • You try to teach your now talking cat to speak with an accent like Luna's.

  • You see two big black birds outside of your local Shinto temple, so you go around screaming to all your Moonie friends that you found Sailor Mars.

  • You stand in a field in your new Sailor Jupiter costume with a lightning rod strapped to your head, while doing your best Lita pose and saying "Jupiter Thunder Dragon!", hoping to be struck by lightning.

  • When you drive and meet up with a bad driver, you suddenly have an urge to yell, "In the name of the moon I will punish you!" and then honk in the rhythm of the theme song.

  • You pledge allegiance to the Sailor Scouts:

  • I pledge allegiance to Sailor Jupiter

  • And all of the Sailor Senshi. Thunder and lightning for which she stands,

    one nation, Crystal Tokyo,


    with liberty and justice for all.

  • You got a Sailor Moon comforter, but it clashes with your room so much, your mom won't let you put it on your bed.

  • You do anyway.

  • You get grounded for doing the above, so you now sleep rolled up in your comforter like a sleeping bag on the floor.

  • You haven't slept in a bed in over a month.....

  • People stop you in a store or you stop peo in a store and ask about their Sailor Moon shirt.

  • You love Sailor Moon so much, other moonies can sense you're a moonie.

  • v You stopped me in a science store and asked about my Sailor Moon t-shirt and proceed to do the "Sailor Moon Says" laugh.

  • v You will shell out $25 for a Sailor Moon t-shirt, $20 for an (incomplete but imported) set of Sailor Mooon keychains, $8 for a Sailor Moon poster etc, but won't give $1 for a 20 oz. bottle of Pepsi (note: I actually did this today and I made SURE I made a mental note about the prices)

  • You get your boyfriend (or some other tall guy) to dress up in a tux, put on a cape and mask, and follow you around, "appearing out of nowhere" when you get in trouble to save you

  • Your friends are then jealous and try to find out who this mysterious guy really is.

  • Your creative writing teacher tells you to pretend you are a rosebush, and you automatically pretend you are Darian's.

  • You dressed up like a Sailor Scout for Halloween, and you are a guy!

  • You write a university paper on how Columbus sailed to America aboard the Mina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

  • On the last day of school you dress up like princess Serenity. 1 minute before the dismissal bell rings you confront your evil Social Studies teacher and yell "Cosmic Moon Power" with your moon wand playing the little tune. Part of it was for leaving out the lesson about the old moon kingdom you graciously wrote for him.

  • Dressing like the scouts wasn't enough, so now you TALK like them! The only problem is, you fav. scout is Sailor ChibiMoon (blah!!!!!).

  • Your friends ask you to change people, so you choose Sailor Molly and Tuxedo Melvin.

  • Your parents refuse to take you on any more vacations because your "Sailor Moon withdrawl symptoms are way too hard to handle."

  • You stop right in the middle of what you're doing to send a YKYWTMSMW phrase.

  • You get really annoyed when you forget the YKYWTMSMW phrase when you get to your computer and bring up the internet.

  • You press your forehead to your computer screen in hopes you get Sailor Mercury's symbol on your forhead.

  • You press your forehead to your computer screen in hopes you get Sailor Mercury's symbol on your forhead... And you actually get it.

  • Then you realize you don't have it, so you mope around and send nasty letters to your cable operator, threatening to give you Sailor Moon or else!

  • You realize you can rearrange your name to have something to do with Sailor Moon.

  • You've made up your own characters to Sailor Moon, and you already know how they fit into the plot, past present and future.

  • You make up another dreamy hero for the series so that you and your friends don't all

  • have to fight over Darien.(or the Negaverse generals!)

  • You make Luna and Artemis as a final project in ceramics.

  • Every time you meet with your friends to discuss Sailor Moon with them, you call it "Scout Business".

  • You and your friends dress in the color of your respective scouts every thursday, including the appropriate earrings.

  • You write your scout name on your school papers.

  • You had a humongeous party when you heard the new episodes would be aired!

  • You dressed up like your favorite Sailor scout for the return of Sailor moon.

  • You have a Sailor Moon shirt for every day of the week.

  • You are convinced El Nino is another Negaverse plot to suck the energy out from humans.

  • You take it upon yourself to educate the world about Sailor Moon.

  • You have an entire video cabinet devoted to Sailor Moon.

  • You plan to yell, "World Shaking!" during the next earthquake.

  • You plan to yell, "Deep submerge!" during the next flood.

  • No matter how hard you try, you always end up saying "Deep Submerge" instead of the title of that new movie, "Deep Impact", much to the amusement of your fellow moonies.

  • You make up your own episode and you pretend you're fighting a battle being your own made up senshi whenever you get bored.

  • You do the senshi's attacks underwater, since you can't really twirl around as gracefully on land.

  • You search for every white horse there is, and you see if they have the golden crystal and a pair of wings.

  • You've tried to transform into your favorite Senshi more than once.

  • You've tried to get so many You Know You Watch To Much Sailor Moon Whens in that you had to see a doctor because your fingers were stuck in a typing positition.

  • You try to get more Sailor Moon merchandise than Naoko Takeuchi.

  • You book a flight for San Diego for mid-August, just to meet with Naoko Takeuchi!

  • You could swear that your teachers have just cut the "-ite" from their names.

  • You think that 2 days without Sailor Moon is cruel and unusual punishment, therefore, the parental units cannot, by law, ground you from the TV.

  • You start to take the bus EVERYWHERE you go, in hopes that you will find an alternate dimension.

  • You plot to have that huge TV screen in Times Square hijacked and turned into a 24-hour Sailor Moon TV, turning all of New York into Moonies!!!

  • You "write ykywtmsmw's by moonlight, sleep by daylight", and think it normal behavior.

  • You try to turn your room into Central Control.

  • You know the ykywtmsmw e-mail address ( by heart, but you forget your boyfriend's.

  • You go to sleep wearing a sailor fuku, and with your home made-wand in your hand, with faith that you will be a REAL sailor senshi when you wake up.

  • You're afraid to wake up and find out that your dream has not come true yet... (yet)...

  • In the morning while eating lucky charms, you stick one of the crescent moon marshmallows on your forehead all day, bragging to everyone that Luna finally found you.

  • You write to TY demanding that they make a Luna and Artemis beanie babies

  • You plan on seeing the movie Small Solders, thinking that the Sailor Scout Action figuers will show up to save the day.

  • If you go out and buy a $2000 hand held computer just so you have the final pices of your salior mercuery outfit and it's not just for hollween any more!

  • You draw sailor moon characters in the steam on the mirror when you get out of the shower.

  • You go to every toy store in the state hoping to find any Sailor Moon merchandise that is not in your collection already (which is virtually impossible!).

  • You joined or created a internet gaming group (clan, guild, etc.) that based on Sailor Moon.

  • While in a planetarium, you pretend you're Nephlyte.

  • You send Mara eight or more suggestions at a time.

  • You begin to cry when you realize that a kid at school has more Sailor Moon stuff than you.

  • You hide in the arcades at night hoping to see a black cat walk in and talk to the video games.

  • Your best friend's favorite scout is Sailor Mars (whom you hate because she is always so mean to Serena). You decide to find a new best friend.

  • v You swear revenge on Zoicite for killing both Neflite and Tuxedo Mask.

  • You wish Queen Beryl's Generals weren't so cute because you feel guilty for liking the way they look.

  • Your ultimate goal to be like Serena is to look good in.... a TOWEL???

  • You blink your eyes during Serena's transformation so your eyes can make little bleeping sounds.

  • You buy an ice skating outfit like Litas in hopes it will make you skate better.

  • Since you can't wear the moon princess dress to someone's wedding (for fear of taking attention away from the bride) you take the Haruka appraoch and wear a tux instead.

  • You yell "Mars Fire Ignite" when watching the Fourth of July Fireworks...or any fireworks, for that matter.

  • You're convinced that at least one of the writers from Small Soldiers frequents the YKYWTMSMW site, because in the commercial one of the toys says, "We're not toys, we're Action Figures!"

  • You spend at least an hour each night staring at the moon and wondering about the Moon Kingdom.

  • You spend at least an hour during the day staring at the moon (when visible) and wondering about the Moon Kingdom.

  • You yell "Mars Fire Ignite" when you light the campfire and then "Mercury Bubbles Blast!" when you dump water on it to put it out.

  • You spend inordinate amounts of time thinking up new YKYWTMSMW ideas.

  • You voted "Sailor Moon" as your favorite anime on the Project Anime poll.

  • You think Sailor Moon + Redwall is a cool idea! ;)

  • Just because you are like your favorite scout, you think you ARE her!

  • You audition for your school musical with the

  • sailor moon theme song or "Oh Starry Night" etc.

  • You can match each "sailor moon says" to it's corresponding episode.

  • You can match each Sailor Moon sound on your computer to it's corresponding episode.

  • You own a prism that looks JUST LIKE the silver crystal and meet Moonies by holding it up and shouting, "Moon Crystal Power!"

  • You do the above at the begninning of each meeting of the "Sailor Moon Clan" you started.

  • You walk into a store with $50. You walk out with $49.95 in Sailor Moon stuff.

  • You start getting "flashbacks" to your life in the Moon Kingdom.

  • You see Lawrence of Arabia for the first time, and think "Moonlight Knight? Here? What?!

  • You get over a long time crush by getting hooked on Darien/Tuxedo Mask.

  • You only listen to Bare Naked Ladies' song "One Week" because they mention Sailor Moon. (They do!)

  • Mara knows you.

  • You believe you are Serena's long lost sister.

  • You're not sad that your girlfriend/best friend is moving to Africa, because you think

  • "Cool, she'll get to meet Rita!"

  • You're not sad that your girlfriend/best friend is moving to Japan, because you think "Cool, she'll get to meet Serena!"

  • You compare the Phantom of the Opera to Tuxedo Mask.

  • You parents have begun charging you for use of the printer just because you went through seven ink cartriges in one day printing Sailor Moon pictures.

  • You make your very own copy of this YKYWTMSMW page and add all your own YKYWTMSMW's to it so you can pretend Mara really put them on!

  • You go to the barber with a picture of Serena and say, 'Make my hair look like THAT!"

  • Your mother absent mindedly begins to hum the theme song to Sailor Moon and doesn't realize it until you, eyes filling with proud tears and elated, tell her so.

  • Your mother/brother/sister/friend can outsmart loyal Moonies with her Sailor Moon knowledge/trivia; not because she likes or even watches the show, but because she's been listening to you babble on for so long.

  • You search the net for every Ami in Japan and ask them all to marry you!

  • You spend a whole year just trying to think up something to put in the YKYWTMSMW archive.

  • People say you're a lunatic and you go crazy because Luna doesn't have ticks!

  • You write to NASA asking them to take you to the Moon Kingdom.

  • You paint your nails sparkly pink in the hopes that it will aid you in your efforts to transform into Sailor Moon.

  • You take out your phaser, which you have because you are also a Trekkie, and whenever you shoot it you shout, "Moon... Phaser... Vaporization!"

  • You finish reading all of the YKYWTMSMW's and you start to get tears of joy becasue you finally feel as if you are at home.

  • After searching your local mall for earrings that look like Sailor Moon's in vain, you make an emergancy trip to your local craft store to buy the supplies needed to make a pair.

  • The more you watch Darien, the more irresistable he becomes to you.

  • You dress up like Serena in hopes Alan will fall in love with you.

  • You call your friends to help you raid YTV to get Sailor Moon tapes.

  • You think about stopping school to watch Sailor Moon.

  • You make your own constellations of Sailor Scouts!

  • You look for the constellations "Tuxedo Mask" and "Andrew from the Arcade"!

  • You and your sister go totally gaga every time Darien has any screen time.

  • You currently have Sailor Moon characters decorating your desktop.

  • After Sailor Moon is over you immediately rewind your tape and watch it again...twice!!!

  • You get really mad at you parents: a) for being allergic to cats b) for frightening away any cats that come on your property, in hopes of (the cats) talking to you.

  • When shopping, someone places a red rose in front of your face, and you scream, "EEEEEEEEEEK!! IT'S ALAN!!! HELP!!!!!!!! ALIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  • Your cable company doesn't carry Cartoon Network, so you call them every day, until they finally say they'll carry it.

  • You plan to study Japanese for your high school language, then become an Exchange Student in Japan.... all in hopes of meeting Naoko Takeuchi, and convincing her to include your fanfic character into the series.

  • You spend all your time in the school computer lab in hopes that Amy will show up.

  • A girl named Amy does show up, but her hair is the wrong length and color.

  • You convince her to cut her hair and dye it blue.

  • When you try to get her to wear the sailor scout uniform, she shouts that you have "problems" and need help.

  • You finally realize that she's not Sailor Mercury, as she'd be much more understanding.

  • You go back to the computer lab and resume your search for Amy.

  • When you finally find someone who looks like Serena, you try to drain her energy.

  • Whenever you step on an escalator, you shriek, "MOON HEALING ESCALATION!"

  • You get into an argument with your Moonie friend over whether or not she can marry Darien. You think it would disrupt the timeline and make Sailor Pluto really mad.

  • Your friend just thinks you're nuts.

  • You scream, "JUPITER POWER, MAKE-UP!" in the middle of a full, silent study hall...for no reason at all.

  • A teacher yells at you and a Moonie friend for singing the theme song. You then stand up and launch into an, "I will punish you!" speech.

  • A mysterious Sailor Soldier is lurking in your dreams...

  • At school, a Sailor Moon hater whispers, "Negaverse..." in your ear to bug you...and before they can react, you've broken their nose, smashed their knee cap and given them a run for their money...HARUKA STYLE!!!

  • It's your friend's first time seeing "Day of Destiny" (while it's your 100th) and you can't help but recite the dialogue along with the ep., while your friend is threatening to kill you because she WANTS TO HEAR THE SHOW!!!

  • You're talking about Sega Saturn games, and somehow SAILOR SATURN slips out...

  • You've listened to you CD so many times that your PARENTS have started to sing the songs.

  • During social studies, you look up and think you see, "SUPREME THUNDER" written on the board! It turns out to be "Supreme Court"

  • Your stuffed animals all are named after something from Sailor Moon.

  • You have a set of Glow-in-the-Dark planets on the ceiling above your bed, and you call them your Guardians. (That's me, too! ;) )

  • You've met Mara while looking to buy Sailor Moon items in Kay-Bee toy store. (You know who you are out there! ;) )

  • You've met fellow moonies by them overhearing your converstions about Sailor Moon.

  • You blame Rini for Serena and Darien breaking up.

  • You turn your sisters Cool Blue Barbie into Sailor Mercury, her Extreme Green Skipper into Sailor Neptune, her Perfect Pink Teresa into Rini and all the rest of her barbie dolls you give the "Meatball head treatment". You try to use your umbrella to hypnotize people.

  • You watch one of those old-time western movies and whenever you see a belle dressed in yellow, you scream "AAAHHHHHHH!!!! IT'S BIRDIE!!!!!! HEEEELLLLPP PP!!!!!".

  • You buy red contact lenses and wear them around, even though everyone thinks you're posessed (which Rini is...)

  • After bumping into Mara once, you look all around in case of seeing her again.

  • You recognize Mara though you've never seen her.... ;)

  • On Halloween you put on a tutu and bodysuit and do up your hair like Catsy.

  • When people ask if you're a ballerina, you glare, squirt water at them, and jump away.

  • You're going to shout mercury ice storm blast during the next blizzard.

  • You refuse to say anything the scouts haven't said.

  • Your locker is referred to as 'the sailor moon shrine.'

  • You've changed the song "My Favorite things" to

    Sailor Moon's fuku

    And moon people's hair-do's,

    Nega moon sisters

    Who wear huge tutus

    Sailor Moon's sceptre and charachter rings,

    These are a few of my favorite things...

  • You got mad when the moonlight knight left because now there is only ONE Darien.

  • You dress, talk, walk and look like Serena, down to you uniform for school. Now you are working on the Sailor Moon part.

  • You start going out with a guy and accidently call him Darien.

  • On Holloween you and your boyfriend dress up as Serena and Darien or Sailor Moon and

  • Tuxedo Mask or Princess Serena and Prince Darien or all three (by transformation).

  • You fantasize about being the "New Generation Sailor Moon" and believe it is true. When you try to transform... YOU DO!!!

  • You can think up YKYWTMSMW while your in History, Mythology and Chemistry but you can't do it while your at home staring at your computer trying to think up ones. Everything you own has a Sailor Moon related nickname.

  • You loose sleep over wheather you should dye your hair blue or blond.

  • You conduct studies to see what happens to moonies when deprived of Sailor Moon paraphenilia.

  • You send so many idea's to Mara that she await's your e-mail every week at the same time/day.

  • You think the DIC dubbers are from the Negaverse because they won't show the S series.

  • You take it personally when your sister thinks she knows more about Sailor Moon than you when she has only watched one episode and she said she hated it.

  • You take it personally when you aren't accepted into a Sailor Moon fan club.

  • You take it personally when your Sailor Moon page didn't win an award.

  • You make these up from personal experiences. You were dissappointed when you saw "Mercury rising" because it had nothing to do with sailor mercury getting more powerful.

  • Sailor Moon is consuming your computer. You don't have anything that doesn't have anything to do with Sailor Moon.

  • You've renamed your 'Microsoft Word' to 'Sailor Moon Says'!

  • The Papa John's you work at won't let you NEAR the small pans ever since you found out that they make EXCELLENT Moon Discuses...

  • Several of the co-workers at your job are now moonies just from hearing you talk about the show, even though not a single one of them has ever seen an episode!

  • On Halloween you lend out your sailor senshi costumes to all the little kids in the neighborhood, then dress up as Tuxedo Mask & take them out trick-or-treating.

  • The parents actually ask you to do it again next year, too!

  • You cried uncontrollably for hours after Serena and Darien broke up but didn't even almost cry when you saw 'Titanic'.

  • You were suspended from school for wearing a sailor scout uniform.

  • You did it again when you came back.

  • You carry a bottle of bubbles with you everywhere you go, just in case...

  • Everytime you see a cute guy there always seem to be bubbles and flowers behind his head.

  • You dressed up as a scout for Halloween and several months later you're still thinking of ways to improve your costume.

  • Your MOM is doing something . . . and is reminded of Tuxedo Mask.

  • You begin to think after a while, "So what if Alan is an alien.......he's still a hunkmeister!"

  • You went into complete shock when Cartoon Network delayed showing the final episodes of Season R.

  • While watching the Sound of Music you start singing "Doe, a dear a female dear, Raye, the sailor scout of Mars..."

  • While your reading your science book you come across a sentence that mentions how the moon hasn't changed drastically in three billion years, and you flip out and start screaming "No!!No! The rise and fall of the Silver Millenium was a MAJOR change, and that was only a thousand years ago!

  • You start reading a chapter in one of your textbooks for homework but suddenly your thoughts turn to Sailor Moon, and when you snap out of the day dream and glance up at the clock you find it has been four hours since you first opened your book and you haven't read more than three words.

  • You never can finish your homework because whenever you get started a brillant YKYWTMSMW comes to you out of the blue.

  • Any word starting with the letters SM remind you of Sailor Moon. Actually, now that you think about it, All words remind you of Sailor Moon.

  • Thanks to your Sailor Moon obsession, your three year old sister can recite the names of all nine planets.

  • You Sailor Moon obsession saved you from failing a test on the planets.

  • You can't go a entire minute without mentioning Sailor Moon.

  • You voted for Serena to be on the cover of "teen" magazine this month, and freaked when you found out she was in the lead so far. (Click here to vote, everybody!!!)

  • You look on FMC to find Sailor Iao/Mara Jade. While watching 'The Wizard of Oz' you change the words of 'The Lollypop kids' song to:

    We represent

    The Sailor Moon fans,

    The Sailor Moon fans,

    The Sailor Moon fans.

    And in the name of

    The Sailor Moon fans, We wish to welcome to Moonie Land...

  • You never cry during any movies, only during episodes of Sailor Moon.

  • You read an abduction story about your fav senshi and instead of getting angry enjoy it cause she gets even at the end.

  • Mara get a flu, you think Emerald put a spell on her.

  • You've finally figured it out... No. Not how to put your hair up like Serena's... How to put it up like Chibi-chibi. Someone do this and I will post your picture here!!! :)

  • Your moonie friend is the only person who will talk to you anymore.

  • You wonder if there can POSSIBLY be anymore ykywtmsmw's out there. You decide to consult your Luna Ball.

  • You call up pyschic networks and ask if you're a Sailor Scout.

  • When they say no, you write the whole thing off as bogus and call another hotline.

  • Using posterboard and paper mache, you create a Gate of Time on your bedroom door. Now if only you had the slightest idea how to make a Time Staff....

  • You got your boyfriend to make the Time Staff in woodshop. Now if you only knew how to detach the Garnet Orb from your heart crystal...

  • Your Cultural Geography teacher is impressed with the amount of Japanese language and culture you've learned from watching Sailor Moon and/or reading about it on the net.

  • You voted more than ten times for Serena to be on the cover of "Teen" magazine.

  • You get upset because when you get your Sailor Moon Bubble Bath with real doll hair, you realize her hair isn't HALF as long as it should be.

  • You can't bring yourself to destroy even one of the Sailor Moon sites you bookmarked. You never met Mara so you sit in front of your fireplace trying to get a reading on what she looks like. (If you e-mail me, I'll give you something better than a reading... a jpg image!)

  • Your little sister get's mad at you for running the ink out of her highlighter, which you borrowed to mark off all the things on this list you've done or thought of doing.

  • You start crying when Mara has updated her page and your jokes haven't been added.

  • You drop your friend since pre-school because she said one bad thing about Sailor Moon.
  • > You refused to come on to Mara's site at first thinking it was a anti-moonie page. (Everyone knows you can't ever watch too much Sailor Moon).

  • You tape a banana to a pencil and shout Moon Healing Activation! (haha, I'd like to see someone try...)

  • You throw around CDs while shouting Jupiter Thunderclap Zap!

  • While sitting in Mythology lecture the professor says "Artemis" and you start to giggle uncontrollably.

  • Your day isn't complete without mentioning Sailor Moon AT LEAST 15 times.

  • You make people say "kitty stalks in moonlight" password before you will let them into your room.

  • Every other guy you see on the street looks like Darien.

  • You are perfectly happy sitting inside on a beautiful day, watching Sailor Moon episodes you taped 6 months ago.

  • You stand up in the middle of class and for no reason at all, yell "Zoy!", then sit down like nothing ever happened.

  • You force your non-Moonie friends to tape the new 17 episodes, since you don't have the Cartoon Network. They NEVER say no, in fear that you'll start talking about Sailor Moon again!'

  • The Sailor Moon bag you've had since you were 14 is now in a state of disrepair, being taped together countless times, but you just don't have the heart to discard of Sailor Moon stuff, no matter how shabby!

  • You are taking bets on when Mara begins the sixth page.

  • You *know* you're a sailor senshi. . . it's just you don't know your transformation phrase.

  • You and your fiancee plan to dress as Princess Serenity and Prince Endimon for your wedding.

  • You cut your barbie's hair to make her Lita and you don't care if you mess up cuz you can alwayz make her Ami!

  • When the antenna on someone's car goes up, you put your head in front of the antenna and shout "JUPITER THUNDER CRASH!"

  • When you get a bad grade on your test, you go up to the teacher with your carved pencil/pen-wand and shout "IN THE NAME OF THE MOON, I WILL PUNISH YOU!!!"

  • You are asked what do you want for x-mas and you produce a list of Sailor Moon items and include the stores names and web address where they can be found.

  • You get angry when people try to tell you that Sailor Moon is "only a cartoon character!"

  • You can't find Lita's exact earings, so you have several sets of 'compromise' earrings- one for each day of the week!

  • You know how to say "Crescent Moon" in 13 different languages, including three you made up.

  • You think Serens knows by experience how many licks it takes to get to the senter of a tootsie roll pop.

  • You always fail your astronomy tests because you can never remember the ninth planet.

  • There's Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn. And the moon, of course, but that's not a planet. Darnit, that's only eight!

  • Your friends don't play chess with you anymore because you only let them use pawns and you get to use the full set.

  • You search the stores for extra sticky chewy caramel bubble gum.

  • You paint a basketball to look like ChibiUsa's Luna-P, then go around throwing it at people.

  • You are determined to get your hair up like Chibichibi's, so you dye it magenta/red, stick wires in your hair, and use tons of tape, glue, and string to get it up. When you's time for you have to take it down, or it'll get ruined...

  • You wonder is Pikachu (from Pokemon) is Sailor Jupiters pet...

  • You order bunny address labels with the name "Usagi Tsukino" on them istead of your name.

  • You think "Usagi Tsuinko" IS your name!

  • You teach your little cousin to call you 'Serena'.

  • You look at the moon through a telescope hoping to see Crystal Tokyo!

  • You call your Cousin Meatball Head all the time, and then one day you see her with the

  • Meatballs and you then say "Donut Head".

  • No one in your family touches the VCR between 3:59 and 4:31 on pain of death.

  • Your eight year old sister gets bored because you and HER friend are talking non stop Sailor Moon.

  • Your eight year old sister demands that your mother put you on TV restriction so SHE can watch something other than Sailor Moon.

  • After that, you call her 'A little Rini fungus'.

  • You call your favorite raido station several times a day requesting that they play the Sailor Moon theme song and get REALLY mad when they don't.

  • The crowning achievements of your 1 year, three month tour in japan aren't all the awards youve recieved, but your complete collection of Sailor V/Sailor Moon Manga.

  • After joining the Marines, you arrange to be stationed in japan, so you can collect Sailor Moon stuff.

  • The worst part of boot camp wasn't the isolation, wasn't the hard work, wasn't the drill instructors, but NO SAILOR MOON!!!!

  • Mara refers you to a psychiatrist for your sailor moon addiction.

  • You can plausibly tie Sailor moon into any storyline.

  • Your the only person who actually WANTED Thanksgiving vacation to end because the last episodes premire Monday the 30th.

  • You find yourself talking in japanese often because of all the subtitled episodes you watched.

  • You're in drama class at school and whenver you have to do a crying scene, you think "a crystal clear destiny."

  • Naoko Takeuchi personally calls you up and tells you you have been watching too much sailor moon.

  • While playing PokEmon, you name all your PokEmon after Sailor Moon Characters. (Hmmm, Let's see..... Vulpix would be Sailor Mars, Lapras would be Sailor Mercury, ButterFree - Sailor Venus, Clefairy - Sailor Moon, hmmmm any more. OH Yea Pikachu would be Sailor Jupiter, Of Course)

  • You nearly go crazy because your College Dosen't have the Cartoon network on their cable subsciption. (Be Thankful for VCR's at home and that you brout your Sailor Moon Tapes.)

  • The night before the new episodes you can't sleep.

  • You got a 15 on you last algebra quiz and cheer because you've finally beaten Serena's score of 30.

  • You've done the above, but you actually studied.

  • You freak out because there is a crescent moon button on all of the school's new computers.

  • While watching "Village of the Damned", every time they say the name 'Mara', you automatically add 'Jade'.

  • In basketball, you mess up the opposing team's foul shots by yelling "ZOY!" at the top of you lungs from the stands.

  • You and a moonie friend are sitting in a public place (like the mall) discussing what additions could be made to this YKYWTMSMW list, and people walking by either give you strange looks or offer some suggestions.

  • You've sent in so many YKYWTMSMW's that is now in your address book.

  • The owner of your local Sailor Moon supplier knows you on sight for your tendancy to walk in and buy $50 of Sailor Moon stuff.

  • You notice that in the episode "Time Bomb" when Serena's on the bus yelling at the driver to hurry up, the girl sitting to Serena's right has long blond hair and a bow...LOOK! IT'S MINA!

  • You comepare the Power Puff girls to the Sailor Scouts.

  • You have a picture of you dressed up as Sailor Moon/Tuxedo Mask... On your driver's licence!

  • You own a few dozen Sailor Moon t-shirts... And don't wear them, 'cause they're on display.

  • You could have sworn (for the millionth time) that the girl in your calculus class with the exact same haircut, right size build, everything, was Ami.

  • You attend SM Annonymous meetings.

  • You can picture anyone you see with anime features --Huge eyes, pointy nose, weird-shaped bangs and all.

  • You draw them like you see them (for you see anime as reality), and you get good buisness.

  • It's driving you crazy that you can't remember the name of the Negaverse monster in that tried to turn Amy against her friends.

  • You loose sleep over the above.

  • Walking through the library one day, you see someone with a Sailor Moon keychain on their backpack, and you immediantely strike up a conversation with them.

  • You were in an airport, just minding your own buisness, when a lady carrying a Sailor Moon suitcase walks by. You attempt to ask her and her 6-year-old daughter where they got it, but they called Airport security before you could (this has happened to you more than once).

  • You want, more than anything, for Sailor Moon to have crossovers with other shows. (Hey it worked for X-Men and Star Trek). How would that work? I am Serena of Borg...

  • The highlight of your life is when you discovered you share a birthday with a Sailor Moon character.

  • You carry the Silver Crystal with you wherever you go...just in case.

  • You think your cats gets mad at you for 'playing' with your crescent moon wand.

  • You rode your bike all the way to the mall in the pouring rain to buy the Luna and Artemis plush dolls.

  • You pit Pokémon against Sailor Senshi and try to figure out which one would win.

  • When you see a rose hit the ground in "Pokemon", you expect it to be Tuxedo Mask.

  • Your mother has developed a twitch whenever you sing the Sailor Moon theme song (which is once every 5 minutes).

  • You actually ENJOY Tuxedo Masks corny speeches.

  • Your mother talks about getting rid of Cartoon Network, so you hyperventalate and fall to the floor (and you're not faking it).

  • You spend hours trying to imitate Emerald's laugh, but you stop when you realize that

  • Mara will never post anymore of your YKYWTMSMWs if you continue this!!!!

  • Yu're scheduled to get your driver's license at 3:45 pm, but skip it so you won't miss a second of Sailor Moon.

  • You have debates with your moonie friends over the philosophies of the time shift, or the time/space continuum.

  • When your mom told you it was a day of history (referring to the impeachment of President Clinton!!! :) ), you think DiC's finally decided to dub the remaining episodes, and when your grandchildren ask you about the impeachement of Clinton, you stare blankly at them and ask "Oh, he was impeached?"

  • YOU DID IT!!! After what seemed like forever in studying genotype and phenotype, you actually have a LOGICAL explaination on how a blonde haired woman and a black haired man can have a pink haired child!

  • You have converted you teachers into moonies, and now they excuse you from not doing your homework because you were working on your fanfic.

  • You cried yourself to sleep when your dad taped over a whole WEEK of Sailor Moon.

  • You create alternate lyrics to Rudolph: "You know Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Neptune and Pluto, Saturn and Uranus. But do your recall the most famous solider of all? Sailor Moon the clutzoid leader, had meatballs for her hair....."

  • You refuse to use your Bath and Body Works Moon Dust because you think it is actually the remains of youmas, droids, etc. that have been moon dusted by Sailor Moon

  • You run down the street every afternoon throwing bad test papers at people in hopes of finding Darien

  • After buying a new Sailor Moon video tape at the mall, you run up to everyone you see and proudly show it to them

  • Your ink cartridge runs out of ink while printing this list so you write the whole list out by hand.

  • You try to convince your boyfriend/girlfriend to change his/her name to Serena/Darien

  • You buy the Sailor Moon Role Playing Game and Resource Book, just to get all the info on Sailor Moon, and the characters names spelt correctly.

  • You can name every episode they showed clips from in the last of the 17 new episodes.

  • You're hoping against hope that DiC dubbs the

  • 'S' season so you can see the two shadowy Scouts from Serena's vision...even though you aleady know who they are.

  • You find out that one of you high school classmates is named Amy Anderson and you're completely shocked that she wasn't the class valedictorian or has blue hair.

  • You get the highest grade in your class, and the first thing that pops into your head i