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Yes,that is me.I am Alanis the creater of this here Sailor Moon Site.Here is some info about me

I am 16 years old. If you can't tell i am a Sailor Moon fave scouts in order are
Sailor Venus
Sailor Moon
Sailor Pluto
Sailor Neptune
Sailor Uranus
Sailor Saturn
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Jupitor
Sailor Chibi Moon
Chibi Chibi
Sailor Mars

I will be 17 on Oct.6. I USED to have a boyfriend but we broke up because he cheated on me with a girl named Lisa.I am Fun,kind,sweet,understanding, and I am one of kind. I can honestly say there is noone out there like me at all. I like to listen to pop music as well as anything that is out, from opera to rap i listen to it. I try not to judge people but sometimes I slip up and do. I assume to much sometimes. I am only human. I love cats! I have one cat that is mine, hs name is Max he is 4 years old. I live in Baltimore City where we have had 110 murders already this year. That is way harsh. I am under a lot of stress right now and the word "relax" means nothing to me. I have a few friends but my best friend is Nicole. Shes the best. I come from a HUGE family. I have one sister and three older brothers. I am the youngest of five. I have no dead my mom must love sex cuz she has it all the time and one night she slept with a guy in his truck in the parking lot of burger king and well, here I am! Well that is all for now.