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Creating Your Character
Creating Your Character

Everyone has to start out at level 1, because otherwise it just gets too complicated. You're about to be shown the basic stats of any level 1 character, and to define your own character, you'll be able to modify them slightly.

Level: 1

HP: 90/90

MP: 30/30

Strength: 3

Stamina: 3

Evade: 1

Magic Strength: 3

Magic Defense: 3

Magic Evade: 1

Speed: 3

This is how every character starts off, but you are allowed to modify the stats to meet the specific needs of your character. For if you decrease one stat, you can increase another.

*If you took away 10HP from your character, you could add 10MP, or add 1 to any of the other stats.
*If you took away 10MP from your character, you could give them and extra 10HP, or add 1 to any of the other stats.
*If you took away 1 point from any of the other stats, you could either increase HP or MP by 10, or add 1 to any of the other stats.
*HP and MP can only be taken away or added in multiples of 10. 10HP or MP is the equivalent to one point in any other stat.
*After each level up, HP increases by 15%, MP by 10%, and you are given an extra two points to spend on the stats of your choice.
*Bear in mind that HP cannot be lower than 30, and that if you choose to have 0MP, you will never be able to use magic, because the increase is in percentage, and 10% of 0, is still 0.
*Strength, Stamina, M.Strength, M.Defense and Speed cannot go above 10. Evade and M.Evade cannot go above 2.(Until you reach a higher level of course)

Now I will go into the stats in a little more detail:

STRENGTH: Strength determines how much damage you do in battle, and is a deciding factor in strength-related tests. The formula for working out how much damage you do in battle by choosing a normal attack command is Strength X Weapon Power, so you'll find that strength is very important if you decide to be a physical fighter.
STAMINA: Stamina determines how much damage you can deflect when physicall hit in battle, and also a deciding factor in will-related tests. The formula for working out how much you defend physical attacks in battle is Stamina X Armor Strength, so you'll find that stamina is very important if you are a front-row fighter.
EVADE: Evade determines the chance of dodging an enemy physical attack, and is also a deciding factor for stealth related tests. The formula for working out the chances of evading an enemy physical attack is Evade X 10. There are several items which improve evasion chance as well.
M.STRENGTH: M.Strength determines how much magical ability you have when casting any type of spell. The formula for calculating spell effect is M.Strength X Spell effectiveness. It is vitally important if you wish to become a magic user.
M.DEFENSE: This is exactly the same as Stamina, except that if defends against spells. The formula for defending spell effects is M.Defense X Armor Magic Strength.
M.EVADE: The same as evade, except that evades spells. The formula for evading spell effects is M.Evade X 10. There are several items which imporove magic evasion chance as well.
SPEED: Speed determines in what order your turn is in combat round. At the start of each round, the character (can be from both sides) with the highest speed goes first, and the character with the lowest speed goes last. The tie-breaker for characters with the same speed is the character with a higher current HP. Another thing that makes speed important is that if you speed is 2 points higher than your fastest enemy, you get two turns. For example, you have a speed of 6, and are fighting two giant rats and a ghost. The rats have a speed of 2 each, but the gost has a speed of 3. You get two turns before the ghost, and 3 before the rats. Speed is also a deciding factor in all speed-related tests.