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Limit Breaks
Limit Breaks

Limit Level 1
When you are creating your own limit break, you'll have a number of points to allocate. You get 40 points to spend with a level 1 Limit Break (you'll understand later), 80 points to spend on a level 2 limit break, 120 for a level 3 break, and 160 for a level 4. The only one of your stats that limit breaks concentrate on is the level you are on.
Allocation of Points This is where it could get confusing, with the points you get in a limit break, you could:
*Put it into the actual physical attack
*Use it to enduce a status
*Use it to cast a defensive/effect spell
*Or all 3 at once. I'll try and give you an example to make things clear:
When the limit break is used, you add the calculation below, to their normal attck. Say I was on level 5, and I wanted a limit break like BRAVER (which is JUST a physical attack), i'd spend all my 40 points on going into the attack. To work out hwo much damage this would do, you'd use the formula:
2 X Points spent X Character Level
I know this sounds confusing. So in my case (a level 5 person donating ALL points to attack) I'd put in the numbers:
40(points spent)X 5(my level)= 200
After doing this, the opponents armor rating would have to be taken into consideration, and then that would be how much HP they would have lost. So carrying on with my example, I hae an enemy with a stamina of 5, and leather armor with defense rating 10:
200 - 5 X 10=150
My enemy would then lose 150 HP. Do you see how that works? (I really hope so).
Limit Breaks can do more than just attack though. For example, a limit break named "Deadly Medicine", does all 3 possible things a limit break can do-attack, cast a defensive spell, and enduce an enemy status.
First off, I want to be able to cure myself with my limit break. To do this i'll need the cure spell, which costs 5 MP. So I decide to spend 5 out of my 40 limit break points into casting cure. I also want the enemy to be poisoned when I use my limit break on them, so i'll have to use the BIO spell which costs 8MP. After spending those points, I have 27 points left for the attack. Let's see how that would work, with me still at level 5, and my enemy still having the same stats:
First off, the cure spell. This isn't done the normal way by Magic Strength X Spell Strength, instead it goes on my level like this:
5 X 25=125
So the first part of it would cure my HP by 130 (following this?) ow for the poison effect, this either hits or misses to decide wheter my enemy is poisoned or not. His magic evade score is 0 so it hits anyway, so he would now be poisoned.
Finally, the attack:
5 X 27=135
Then take away my enemy's defense rating again...
135-5 X 10=85 damage done
I hope you understood that, and how to make your won limit breaks now. Before you do though-here are a couple of rules on creation:
*Only 1 type of same curative spell can be used at once on your character (e.g. no curing yourself 2 times with your limit break).
*Attack magic (fire, ice, bolt, earth, gravity, etc.) cannot be cast in a limit break, BUT if they cause any status effects those status effects will be used (e.g. the poison in BIO), AND choosing one of those attack magics will simply charge your weapon with that attack magic. So if you decided to spend 4 points on ICE, and you found that your enemy was weak against ice then the limit break would do twice the damage, but if they absorbed ice then it would heal them.
*If you wanted a limit break such as Aeris's "Healing Wind" which cured the whole party, you would have to cast cure 3 times (one on each member) or use CURE2 and the ALL ability (shown later).
*You may use an official FF7 limit break if you wish, but you cannot take one and modify it, and it has to be on the same limit level that you are on.
Lastly, there are some special abilities which you may add to your limit break:
*Paralyze(8 Points)- No spell for this, so you may choose to induce it.
*All(10 Points for each ability)-A curative spell or status effect can be cast on whole party/enemy party, but with a weakened effect usually.
*Second Slash(20 Points for each extra attack)-Can be used to attack several times.
*MP Attack(25 Points)-Makes the attack take away MP rahter than HP (enemy's MAGIC defense would be tested for that one).