The Hall of Records of Buying, Selling, and Updating Stats

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Allright, if anyone suspects anyone else in Solaris of cheating, I will personally list every transaction of money, weapons and armor, and experience from this day forward. And, if someone does cheat on stats, The records of the e-mails will prove it. allright thanks ~Drizzt


DATE:JAN 28th, 2000

E-mail from Slade

ok i'm gonna explain this. save this so if i have to show it to anyone i can get it from you. Here is how it is: 2 i have 26,630 loan 10,000 i'm selling my sword for 13,000 and she is 13,000 giveing me a hardedge 2,250 the sell of the hardedge back to city 9,000 Browing 9000 from dias of Nosgoth = 60,880 With that money i'm buying the Crystal Sword for 60,000

JAN. 28th, 2000

Another E-mail from Slade:

I leveld up from a mission. I'm level 13 now Hp418 mp22 str 13+3 (both points went to this) stam:9+1 evade2 mstr0 mdef5 mevade2 speed12 i have 26,630 gil now. i have 79,650 exp now. items: 3 potions 1 tent 3 pds.

JAN 28, 2000

A new player joined the SIM. His Name is Roclos Moril.

JAN 29, 2000

Emperor Tony gave Drizzt Do'Urden a 3000 gil pay raise for his efforts in keeping solaris alive.

JAN 30, 2000

Siegfried ordered new armor, and changed his weapon name. Check his stats to see if it is right.

JAN 30, 2000

Drizzt won against the Summon "Shiva" and gained 4000 exp.

FEB 3, 2000

LETTER FROM SLADE:hey drizzt, i should have 10380 in my bank acount. i had 880 left from my buy of the sword and with my pay i get 9500 takeing 8500 out of that and paying back my loan with dias. so i should have 1880 left in my account. i still owe the bank 10,000 slade

FEB 5, 2000

Drizzt (drizzy) Do'Urden updated the citizen records of solaris, adding 3 new citizens, and possibly 2 more.