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Battle Rules

It's pretty much Final Fantasy all around here. The battle system isn't run by a program, it's run by one of the elected guides in the world.

*In a combat round, the highest number of humans possible on each side is 3. The highest number of NPC's is 6.
*The person with the highest speed from either side goes first, followed by the rest in order of speed. If two characters have the same speed, then the player with the higher remaining HP goes first, if they both have the same then it's random.
*If you have 2 points of speed more than your fastest enemy, then you get two turns instead of one, and youget 3 turns if you have 4 points more, etc.
*When you ATTACK an enemy , you multiply your STRENGTH score with the strength of your weapon, and then subtract the enemy's STAMINA score multiplied with the strength of their armor. Take the final result away from the enemy's HP.
*When you use ATTACK MAGIC on an enemy, subtract the cost of the spell you want to use away from your MP. Then multiply your M.STRENGTH with the strength of the spell, and then subract the nemy's M.DEFENSE score multiplied with the magic strength of their armor. Take the final result away from the enemy's HP.
*When you use DEFEND or WHITE MAGIC on someone, the process is the same, except you don't subract the M.DEFENSE X ARMOR STRENGTH.
*When someone chooses to fight in the back row, all physical damage they do is divided by two, but all physical damage done to them is also halved.
*If someone's HP reaches 0, they become wounded, and must be revived with a life spell or a phoenix down to carry on.
*If someone's MP reaches 0, or they want to cast a spell but don't hae enough MP, and ETHER must be used on them to recover MP.
*Experience and Gil for each set of kills are worked out by the guide, and you are not told the exp or gil earned until the end of the mission. Bear in mind that if there are 2 party members, the Gil and Exp must be divided by 2. If there are 3 party members, it must be divided by 3.
*All attacking and defense stats are worked out by the guide before going into a mission, this saves time and confusion.
*Finally, when on a mission, but not in a fight, the guide dictates all that happens to you. you may suggest what you want your character to do, but you can never suggest the outcome.