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War Rules
War Rules

This system will only be used during a time of war between two REAL cities. The following are the rules, and units used in this system of warfare.
*For every citizen a city has, they recieve 10,000 War Credits(WC).
*If a city runs out of Units and WC, they must use their citizens to fight in the war, or surrender.

Units that can be used in war

Cost: 7,000 WC
HP: 300/300
MP: 80/80
Str: 11
Sta: 8
Eva: 0
M.Str: 15
M.Def: 9
M.Eva: 0
Speed: 5
Weapon: Machine Gun(60)
Armor: Double Plate(Phys. 70, Mag. 30)
Special Attack: Heavy Cannon(100)-40 MP

Cost: 12,000 WC
HP: 800/800
MP: 0/0
Str: 20
Sta: 15
Eva: 0
M.Str: 0
M.Def: 12
M.Eva: 0
Speed: 7
Weapon: Siege Cannon(80)
Armor: Titanium Plate(Phys. 95, Mag. 90)
Special Attack: None
Cost: 15,000 WC
HP: 400/400
MP: 100/100
Str: 12
Sta: 7
Eva: 3
M.Str: 14
M.Def: 8
M.Eva: 3
Speed: 12
Weapon: Chain Cannon(75)
Armor: Light Armor(Phys. 70, Mag. 65)
Special Attack: Missile(100)-50 MP

Cost: 20,000 WC
HP: 200/200
MP: 200/200
Str: 13
Sta: 9
Eva: 5
M.Str: 11
M.Def: 8
M.Eva: 5
Speed: 16
Weapon: Rockets(65)
Armor: Steel Plating(Phys. 75, Mag. 80)
Special Attack: Cluster Bomb(100)-100 MP

Army Regular
Cost: 2,000 WC
HP: 150/150
MP: 50/50
Str: 11
Sta: 8
Eva: 1
M.Str: 6
M.Def: 7
M.Eva: 1
Speed: 8
Weapon: M-16(70)
Armor: Kevlar Vest(Phys. 60, Mag. 50)
Special Attack: Grenade(90)-50 MP

Army Ranger
Cost: 3,000 WC
HP: 200/200
MP: 75/75
Str: 12
Sta: 9
Eva: 1
M.Str: 7
M.Def: 8
M.Eva: 1
Speed: 8
Weapon: M-60(80)
Armor: Kevlar Vest(Phys. 60, Mag. 50)
Special Attack: Strafing Fire(90, Hits all)-75 MP