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Codes for Top Gear Rally

Access All Cars
To access all cars, go to the Arcade (mode selection screen) and enter the following code: A, Left, Left, C-Down, A, Right, Z
Access All Tracks
Go to Arcade (mode selection screen) and enter the following code: A, Left, Left, Right, Down, Z
Access Beach Ball Car
B, B, A, Left, Left, C-Down, A, Right
Access Cupra Car (Ice Cube)
To get the oddly shaped Cupra car without beating the game, simply enter the following code at the Arcade screen: C-Down, Up, B, Right, A, C-Down, A, Right
Access Helmet Car
Go to Arcade (mode selection screen) and enter the following code: Up, Up, Z, B, A, Left, Left
Rainbow Mode
This code turns the game into a rainbow graphic mess. Note: May cause dizzy spells. In gameplay enter: C-down, Z, B, Up, Up, Right
Beachball Car
Finish the fourth year (all six seasons, including Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Expert and Professional), and you will receive the Beachball Car. It's basically one big beach ball with four smaller ones rolling on the ground.
Car Color Changes
You can easily change the color of your car without having to go into the Paint Shop mode. On the car selection screen, push the D-Pad while holding one or all three of the C button(s). C-Left corresponds to red color intensity, C-Up changes the green and C-Right changes the blue value. Up on the D-pad increases the intensity of the color(s). Down on the D-pad decrease the intensity of the color(s)
Mirror Cars
Finish the fifth year (all six seasons, including Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Expert and Professional), and a new "easter egg" will allow you to change your car textures to "mirror." Simply click the lower C-Button when on the car selection screen, and you can race as a chromed car. Looks best in replays.
Secret Date and Time
Want to see when the programmers at Boss Game Studios finished work on Top Gear Rally? Start the game and hold down all four C-Buttons, and the date and time will appear on the title screen.
Credits Cheat
A version of the credits is accessible any time in the options menu. But there are different credits, with the Strip Mine shown in the background, that are a little more interesting: Go to Options, click on the Credits icon, then press left (on the D-pad), down C, right (on the D-pad), down (on the D-pad), and Z.
Milk Truck
After beating the first season, you are rewarded with the ultimate in off-road racers…The Milk Truck.
