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Well, I've been promising it for a long while now, and here it is. Welcome to my new and improved Beatles page. While not everything is complete yet, it's coming along nicely and should be completed soon. So keep checking back for new things. Now, for the rest of the intro...*Ahem* 'ello. This is my page dedicated to the greatest band of all time. Just who am I talking about, you ask? The Beatles, of course! Not only are they the best band in the history of Rock & Roll (as VH1's 100 Greatest Artists of Rock & Roll program told us), but their style and wonderful contributions to music will never be matched (no matter how hard those Blow-asis brothers try). So, this page is dedicated to them: John, Paul, George, and Ringo. Enjoy! A splendid time is guaranteed for all!

In Association with

Official Site
[All Celebrity]

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to view my Beatles page as of September 7, 1997

Copyright © Leanne Shaw, 1998-1999