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And Still More Poems


What whould he do without remote control,
I don't think he'd survive:
Sometimes I think the remote control,
Is what's keeping him alive:

I like to watch the t.v. too,
But one movie at a time:
Sometimes he watches 3 or 4,
And once I counted nine:

How can he flip the channels like that,
I just dont understand:
He cant watch the t.v. set,
without the remote stuck in his hand:

Once I hid the remote control,
And left him all alone:
That sure wasn't a pretty sight,
So don't try this at home:


I wish she knew that I need watered
My roots are getting dry:
I try to get her attention,
Everytime that she walks by:

My leaves are drooped and sagging,
Some have fallen down:
You would think that she would notice,
The leaves upon the ground:

I put myself in her way,
But she just moves me back:
I just wanted her to notice
That its water that I lack:

I feel like I'm in the desert,
My roots are really dry:
Please give me some water,
I don't want to die:

She's going to the kitchen,
I hear the water run:
Yes, oh yes she's coming
It looks like I have won:

Finally she gives me water,
Its s good it makes me twitch:
Oh that water feels so wonderful,
Its about tme you lazy bitch:


Little Tweety setting there, Bugs, and Daffy too,
Shoot here comes that Elmer Fudd, now what do they do:
Going to shoot the wabbit, No I don't think he can,
Call on Taz to help them out, see how Elmer ran:
Porky Pig and Daffy Duck, laughing very loud,
Bugs and Donald very glad, that Taz had made them proud:
The Taz he don't eat Elmer's but he loves to make them run,
Chasing away that Elmer Fudd can be allot of fun:
Tweety see's a puddy tat, Silvester is on the prowl,
Call that Taz to come and help, we need that Tazzr now:
Here he comes we knew he would, he'll chase away those brats,
Taz he don't eat Elmor Fudd's but loves those puddy tats:

On this hand I feel lonely,
Although I share my life with you:
You dont lay me down to love me,
Not like you use to do:

On this hand I need holding,
I want someone to share my life:
Companion-ship is lost,
Although you have me as your wife:

But on the other hand I love you,
And I ware your wedding ring:
I can't live my life without you,
Because then life wont mean a thing:

But on this hand I need more,
Then this big old house to share:
I need more then just a husband,
I need someone to care:

But on the other hand I need you,
You make life worth living for:
I know my attitude is selfish,
But your not loving me no more:

I look at these hands and wonder,
Should I take off my wedding band:
But I realize no matter what,
I wan't whats on the other hand:

Pick one...LOL

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