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And Still More Poems

Broken Angel

When I go to bed at night, and your sleeping next to 
me. My mind drifts back in time, to the way things 
use to be:

Was the love we had a dream, or a feeling that was 
real, And while lying next to you, its only 
loneliness I feel:

We use to be so happy, now you only make me cry, You 
say I'm your broken angel, and I'll never learn to 

When I try to talk to you, it seems all we do is 
fight, You say your broken angel is to dumb to see 
the light:

So then I stopped talking it wasn't worth the 
fighting for, When I cant say nothing right, it 
doesn't matter anymore:

Your sorry that you married me, you say that once a 
day, But then you come loving up, to take the pain 
you caused away:

When you come home this morning, you'll see I've 
learned to fly, You'll find the note beside the bed, 
telling you good-by:

I gave you everything I had, my self esteem, my love,
my heart,There is nothing lift for you to take, 
you've taken me apart:

I'm taking what you took from me, and I know one 
thing for sure, You will never have the chance to 
say, I'm your broken angel anymore:

Our Secret

Mommy, Daddy hurt me again, He told me not to tell:
He told me that if any one ask, I'ed better say I 

He's been really mad at God, Since god took you away:
But Mommy why's he mad at me, I wanted you to stay:

Some people came the other day, And ask to see my 
arm:They asked me if I really fell, Or if daddy did 
me harm:

Mommy, I didn't tell them nothing, But daddy thinks I
did: This time he really hurt me bad, and tied me to 
my bed:

Please Mommy, can you talk to god, Can I come there 
with you: He might let me if you say, you really want
me to:

Don't tell daddy that I told, Its our secret mom ok:
I'll wait here and I'll be real good, Until you come 
take me away:

The Ghost of the Child

That night I laid there sleepless, From the lightning 
and the storm: And then I felt you next to me, Your 
spirit made me warm:

I remember reaching out to you, You looked so sad to 
me: I felt you telling me inside, To let your sole go 

You showed me what he did to you, There was no one 
around to tell: And when he was done without remorse, 
he put you in the well:

He knew no one would miss you, You were a child 
without a home: He put the cover on the well, And 
left you there alone:

Sometime I can hear you crying, Pounding on the cover 
to be free: Your sole is trapped inside the well, 
While your spirit comes to me:

The police and I looked for you, We searched both 
night and day: Just when they were giving up, You 
came and lead the way:

You showed me what he looked like, You showed his 
face to me: Now he's setting on death row, And your 
sole has been set free:

And I know that your in heaven, In heaven you'll 
never be alone: We felt your sole go towards the sky, 
Now at last my child your home:

Make a Difference

I pray for the child who's crying,
For the one without a home:
I pray for the child who's dying,
And left there all alone:

I pray for the child who's helpless,
And sells her sole so she can eat:
And the one who has no future,
And lives his life upon the street:

For the one's that daddy's hurting,
And the one's to young to say:
The child that by her mother's hand,
Made God take her away:

When I die I'll be an angel,
And I will hide them in my wings:
I'll keep them there so they'll be safe,
From the hurt life sometimes brings:

We all can make a difference,
We make a difference in all we do:
We can stop the abuse of children,
And it starts with me and you:


The old man sleep's on a bench in the park,
In the winter he's hungry and cold:
He don't have a family, he dont have a home,
He says "its hell when you have to grow old":

The Young girl sells her sole on the streets,
She thought that nobody would care:
After all these years she's finally home,
Found dead in a ally somewhere:

The young man got caught robbing a store,
He didn't think no body would know:
The gun went off and the owner was dead,
Now he's setting alone on death row:

The young girl abused and crying alone,
But these day's who can she tell:
Night after night, she prays to the lord,
Please put my daddy in jail:

Life is not always what we want it to be,
And the lord didn't intend it that way:
But this is real life for some of our kids,
It's easier to just look away:

We all make a difference in all that we do,
For these people life isn't fun:
It is easier to just look away, we all know,
But remember it only takes one:

Let's put a stop to Child Abuse, We all can make a 

Pick One

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