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Talking Dog News

Sorry! Yes, we are still alive! The Halloween 2001 show is currently running. We've still got Episode #16 sitting on the shelf at the station, I need to get my butt in gear and get that on the air.
The only thing we've got in the works right now is a new episode with the whole gang to shoot in August!
You can catch Jen Kersey (Jessica) in the live country music show at Paramount's Kings Dominion this summer!

New episodes are on the way! Episode #017 should air in a week or so, followed by #016. (The numbers are in the order that they are produced, not aired)

You can now find out when "The Ed South Show" is on by tuning into The TV GUIDE CHANNEL on Howard County Cable. Our show is now included in the listings!
And, Comcast Digital subscribers can find out when we are on by using the on-screen guide featue on their remote controls!

New episode airs tonight! The Best of The Ed South Show! It's hard to believe we've been at this for five years already. We started production in October 1997, we went on the air in July 1998, and we are now at our 15th episode! The Best of show features clips from the last 14 episodes and includes one whole minute of unaired footage! Enjoy! We are also using this episode as a calling card to other stations to expand the Ed South Show Network!
We are hard at work on Episode #016. The script is a reworking of a script Brian Kaiser and I wrote in March of this year, but it also contains a few skits that were written in 1998. We don't throw away anything, do we!
Filming of episode #016 and #017 will take place between 10/25 and 11/05/01. We have lots of new talent signed on, including Jess Barton and Shannon Lowe. Most of the regular Ed South Show family will also be making appearances!
And don't worry Halloween fans! I didn't buy tickets to see Britney Spears at the MCI Center on 10/31 so we can go to Fell's Point for our fourth coverage of all the drunken hilarity!

Here's what we've got going on! Episode #015 "The Best of The Ed South Show" is half way completed. As you could guess, it is a collection of skits and bits from our previous shows. We are hoping that this episode will also serve as a calling card to some potential new stations in the Ed South Show Network.
I probably should have mentioned somewhere in this news section that in May 2001, Brian Kaiser and I both moved to Florida. Brian is there attending school, and I couldn't find a decent job so I came back to Maryland. Before leaving, we had written a "final episode" called "Spring Cleaning" that wrapped up a few things in the Ed South Universe. The script included a fantastic parody of Eminem's song and video "Stan." However, now that Brian is 900 miles away from us, it will be hard to shoot "Spring Cleaning." We've replaced the actresses that play Amy a number of times, but there is no way to replace the absence of Brian. I've taken what I can from "Spring Cleaning" and reworked it into a new script, cleverly called "Spring Cleaning Redux."
A tough decission was made to go ahead with Halloween 2001 plans instead of going to the Briney Spears concert at the MCI Center. This year, we are going to try something a little different with our Halloween show, but you'll have to wait and see what that is.
I'm also jazzed up about an idea that I've had floating around in my head for years called "Cheerleaders in Outer Space." I've mapped out some locations, including a cheap looking Mars set, and I've hammered out some story ideas. I'm going to start working on the script soon.
One more thing, thanks to all the people that have stopped me and the other cast members and given us positive feedback about the show. Even though it's very strange having complete strangers come up to me and recognize me, it's nice to know that all the hard work we put into the show doesn't go unwatched!
As always check back to for all the latest info.

Sadly, the DVD idea did not pan out. They wanted way too much money. The project was going to cost in the ballpark of $150 per DVD. We'll look into other avenues.
Talking Dog has been asked to produce a one hour production to be included in the fall schedule for Howard County Comcast 73. This new project offers some exciting creative opportunities.
This weekend we are shooting at the Howard County Fair. We should have the episode up and running in a few weeks, so if we talked to you at the fair and you're looking for yourself on TV, keep tunning into 73 !
We are going to be beefing up our production schedule. As always, if you are interested in helping out infront of or behind the camera, drop us a line and we'll get in touch with you!

Check out the new section on about an upcoming DVD release, and how you can get your hands on a copy!
Episode #014 "Of Mice and Ed" should be completed final editing by the end of next week.

See production photos of episode #014 "Of Mice and Ed."

Talking Dog Television Productions has just completed it's most awesome project to date! "Of Mice and Ed" is our new episode of "The Ed South Show" that was an outstanding 4 day shot.
A Big Thanks to everyone that worked on the show and made it an enjoyable time and a big success! We had a fantastic cast and an awesome crew. For once, the actors did not have to double as the crew! We shot for two whole days and an additional two nights at five different locations. Editing begins this week, and continues throughout the month!
Keep your eyes on for pictures and some exciting news on an upcoming event! A-gee!

Ladies and Gentleman...may we present! You can get here through that address or the old one.
Episode #012 "I Know What You Did on the First Episode" is done and awaiting approval from the station. Episode #013 "How Not to Succeed in Business" is also done and just awaiting some technical touch up before it can be submitted for station approval.
January 23, We begin production on episode #014 "Of Mice and Ed" The script was started in February 1999 and is finaly finished and set to shoot.

First of all, we would like to announce that the third annual invite only Christmas time Ed South show viewing was a success, once again! Many people enjoyed the classic episodes "The Return of Devon" & "That Darn Mayonnaise." Also "Ed Southstone: Magic...It's Good" was screened.
Talking Dog Television will ring in the new year with two new episodes ready to make their long awaited debut. "How Not to Succeed in Business" is scheduled to air in January, followed by "I Know What You Did on the First Episode" to air February, 2001
"Of Mice and Ed," The long awaited, 2 years in the making, episode is scheduled to shoot late January 2001, and air in March.
Other proposed projects in the talks: "It's Abraham Lincoln's Birthday, Ed South" & "Bikini Academy 2"

Well, the big return of "The Ed South Show" was somewhat of a fizzle. We shot some great footage at Fell's Point on Halloween but little did we know, that the hand held microphone shorted out about 3 minutes into shooting. We had a second boom mic running which picked up all the crowd audio, but most of the interviews are inaudible.
We also have episodes ready to get on the air, but we can't get any time in the studio to put some finishing touches on them. As soon as we can get into the editing suite for an afternoon, we'll be good to go!
We are also planning some productions very soon!

"The Ed South Show" is back!!! That's all there is to it! We've been gone too long!
We have two episodes in the can. Episode #012 "I Know What You Did in the First Episode" is a return to Fell's Point for Halloween 1999. The problem with getting this episode on the air, is that we can not find the 100+ release forms that we had people sign that night. As soon as we find that, the show will be on the air.
Episode #013 "How Not to Succeed in Business" is a story episode that we shot in April 2000. It's a fast paced, funny episode that is just 7 minutes shy of being the required minimum length for our station. We are working on filling that extra time.
We will be at Fell's Point for this Halloween, and we will be shooting some skits the first week of November. We are looking for some older actors or actress. If anyone is interested contact us! at

Could I update this thing a little less?
Episode #010 is up and running. The name has been changed to "Bees Communicate Through Dance" and still features Star Wars for Girls and The Star Toys Museum. In addition, we've added "Breakfast with Ed Southstone," "Misguided Light," and an interview with Kevin Clash - the Muppetter who performs Elmo.
"WitchHunt!" is in the can! We've shot all the footage, and the first cut of the project has been completed. Unfortuantly, the Channel 73 character generator is broken and that is holding up the process. "WitchHunt" should make it to tv screens sometime early 2000.
We are shooting two episodes at the end of October. We are returning to Fell's Point for more Halloween Hi-Jinks and we will be taking the Ed South Show cameras to the Oakland Mills High School Homecoming.
We also have some excellent scripts in the works, and I want to do a Christmas episode even though we don't have the time.

O.K, Let's get everybody up to speed since last we've updated this website!
As you may know by now, Channel 73 is up and running 12 hours a day now! Which is great! Episode #007 "The Return of Devon" ran in February and March. This was easily the best product the Talking Dog team has ever produced! We had a great time doing it, we didn't have to cut any corners, the entire cast and crew was FANTASTIC! It was an all around class act!!!!
New Years Day, 1999 we were all set and ready to shoot "WitchHunt". However, the temperature being in the low negative twenties that day, we decided to cancel it! It was rescheduled for March 11, which was the day my voice decided to give out after working so much.
Talking Dog wunder-kid Brian Kaiser was the first guest director to take the helm in Episode #008 "That Darn Mayonnaise". Brian wrote the script as well as directing, the episode was shot over two days and turned out to be a short but sweet episode! It ran in March and April.
We have the begining of a great script called "Of Mice and Ed" that we haven't yet gotten off the ground. We also have the "WitchHunt" script that we are still looking forward to filming!
#009 "The Little Episode That Couldn't" is a quickly assembled episode that has a hilarious sketch "Ed Southstone's Magic: It's Good" and then the rest is Ed and a bunch of girls sitting on a sofa talking about the summer. That episode was designed to just hold us over till we got another good one shot, but now this episode is finished and sitting on the shelf at Channel 73 because somebody has a problem with a joke credit that only appears on screen for 6 seconds, and is in the finest of fine print! The future of that epsiode is unknown!
We've also shot episode #010 "The Obligatory Star Wars Episode" Which again features a great skit "Star Wars For Girls" and then a visit and interview with the owner of the "Star Toys Museum". A collection of classic and current science fiction toys. That episode will be completed editing in mid-June!
We have great plans for the final week of July, so stay tuned for that!

Episode #007 "The Return of Devon" is complete and is fantastic. It will air soon on Channel 73, also look for 73 to begin airing 12 hours a day!
Episode #008 "Witch Hunt!" was scheduled to shoot 1/1/99, but was postponed due to the weather. A script for episode #009 (untitled) has also been completed. The production dates will be set sometime in March 1999.

We can now be seen on Howard County Comcast Cablevision 73.
The Production date for the new #007 has been set for November 26. The episode is titled "The Return of Devon" and will be the first episode under our new title "The Ed South Show". We need lots of people to appear in a small crowd scene, if you are interested in helping please contact us via e-mail.
We are also casting episode #008 which is titled "Witch Hunt!" and is scheduled for production on January 1, 1999. We need actors, male and female, all ages, for this ambitious production. Contact us if interested!

Episodes #005, & #006 have been cleared for broadcast, and will air durring November.
We will be taping new episodes November 24 - 30, and December 21 - January 5, 1999. We need lots of people, so if you are interested please drop us a line! We are also looking for people who would be interested in working in the studio for a proposed upcoming project

Hey, did you know you can't drink beer on TV? Well, that never occured to us while we were taping episode #007, where my Canadian buddy, Don Shannon, and I sample many Canadian beers. Guess what, you'll never see that episode!
Yes, I'm afraid #007 "Fun with Wigs" has not be approved, almost 20 minutes of the episode need to be replaced! With what we do not know yet!
Effective November 13, Comcast Cable will have an entire new line up, which means The Ed South Show moves from Channel 6 to Channel 73. So long channel surfers!!!
We hope to return to Fell's Point to capture all the Halloween antics again this year. Courtesy of East Coast Entertainment, we will be shooting on Digital Video...since the channel 6 cameras are already being used that weekend. Come down to the Point and say hi!
Episodes #005 & #006 - Bikini Academy will debut in November.
And, we are taping new episodes November 24 - 30th. As always, if you are interested in helping out, or appearing on the show, drop us an e-mail at

Episodes #005, #006, & #007 have been submited for approval, and should enter the rotation soon. The October 8 episode is a rerun of #003. There is also the possibility of producing new episodes in Orlando, Florida.

The premier party for "Bikini Academy" was a success! Some of the cast, as well as friends and family showed up for the event. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. There were about 30 people present.
We managed to shoot and edit and entire episode with in one week! Episode #007 mixes skits along with our interview segment. If all goes well, the new episode could air October 8, 1998.
Episode #005 and #006 have still not been submitted for approval.

There will be a public screening of "Bikini Academy" Wednesday, August 26 at 8:00 pm in the Catonsville Community College Barn Theatre. (where else) The screening is free and is open to everyone!
New episodes begin production August 25.

It all starts tonight! "The Ed South Report" premiers tonight on Howard County Comcast Cablevision Channel 6, at 8:00pm. Tonight's episode, #001 "And Then There Was Light" was shot in October and makes it's television debut this evening. Channel 6 is also scheduled to run episodes #002 & #003 in the coming weeks.
Episode #004 has been submitted for approval.
Episode #005 and #006, which consist of Bikini Academy, are also completed!
Shooting for a new batch of episodes begins August 26.

Episode #004, which is our first non-grant show has been completed after a 10 hour editing session. #004 will be submitted to the station for approval on Tuesday, July 14 at which time a time slot for the series will be determined.
Tueday will also mark the begining of the editing process for the feature film BIKINI ACADEMY which will likely run in multiple parts starting episode #005.
The first three grant shows have not yet been submitted for approval.

The first season has been completed. Sunday, June 21 we recoreded an interview with my good friend Grant Corley who is currently living in California studying to become an animator. We chatted about animation and his experiences trying to make it in the industry. We also screened two short films of his, "Full Moon" and "The Golden Section in Life" as well as some pencil tests for his new production "Tuna Fish Sandwich"

Principal photography has been completed on BIKINI ACADEMY. The production will most likely air as a multi-part mini series within THE ED SOUTH REPORT during the second season.
Episode 1 and 2 of THE ED SOUTH REPORT are completed and hopefully will be delivered for final approval by the end of the week.
Some material for episode 3 has already been shot, with the remainder of the episode to be shot 6/16/98 - 6/22/98. During this week, production on the second season episodes will also take place.
The first three episodes (season 1) of THE ED SOUTH REPORT are funded by a grant from the Howard County Government. The following episodes being produced the summer of 1998 (season 2) are privately funded, and remain the property of Talking Dog Television Productions.
The time slot for THE ED SOUTH REPORT should be determined by the end of July 1998.
