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When the Snow Stopped

Out here I sit and watch them walk by

Some hand in hand or just side by side

The sun dosen't show through the rotted black sky

And the waves whisper secrets as the seagulls fly by

This once was my home, where I was at ease

I was younger back then and easy to please

This is the place where we all wore our keys

In this town that has made us, the town without trees

I think back to then, yes I dwell on the past

I still can not see why it didn't last

We were so young, did we grow up too fast?

Have we all split up? Did our hearts really crash?

I'll ask you a question straight from my heart

Did we dance in the light, then fall into dark?

Do you know the reason why we did part?

And is there a way that we can restart?

You once were my family and stood by my side

A horse that was tame turned to wild to ride

But for me there was always still something inside

So out here i sit, and watch them I do

Some say hello and some say adeiu

But I can't stop thinking about all of you

The ones that I miss, my family, The Crew

This one is dedicated to the best group of friends I ever had and the memory of times spent with them when I was 15.

Chris Townsend