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Black Gold Pond

I sleep in a world which you can not see

I dream of the things which can not be

I float on a pond of soft golden hue

I live for the things that I can not do

I see how the future forms from the past

I see all of you, yet I know I'm the last

I feel the dimensions tear as they ebb

I see how your loves and obscure, deadly web

I feel all your wants and I know all your hates

I know the patience of evil that silently waits

I live in your lies yet I die of the truth

I watch life decay like a rotted, black tooth

I look at the past and see my world change

I open eye three, a perception so strange

I see a minstrel of dark and an angel of light

I battle with them for neither is right

I call down the heavens then ally with hell

I have so many tales which I can not tell

I float on a pond, so stagnant and black

I shake off the past. Theres no turning back

Chris Townsend