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Come Believe

Come, dance in the sun

The dead, black sun

It represents all that we are now

It talks of what we were

It tells me of things that are gone

I believe it

Come, walk in the shade

Close your eyes to it all

I kept them open and I am in prison

I live there and I am dead inside

It's true. Believe it

Come, fly past the skies

The dark, night skies

Let your heart stop feeling

It's better this way.

When it beats it hurts

The pain will kill me soon

If you believe it

Come, run in the wind

Listen to it blow past you

It has stories to tell

It's seen much

Not even it talks now though

When it speaks I listen

I believe it

Come, listen to my heart

It talks of the breaks it now bears

It curses me for my love

It blames me for it's scars and tears

It tells me that I can't love again

And though I want to

I can't believe it