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Gray Day Lake

The children were born unto this earth

Their mother's love, makes known, their worth

The smiles shared and hugs that last

Where did they go? Why are they past?

A day spent out by some great lake

A day of fun, a hidden fake

His mind was set to change all ours

This man who has caused all our scars

He pulled us off one by one

To him a game, just some new fun

He faked the tears. Oh, how he lied

I watched them all stand by his side

Too young to know it was a ploy

To him a game, just some new toy

He dropped me off right up the street

My mother's tears I had to meet

I told her of the games he played

The trust she'd given now betrayed

I haven't seen two of them since

there are no leads, no help, no hints

So one last time he donned the mask

And now I'm left with this to ask

The smiles shared, the hugs that last

Where did they go? Why are they passed?

Chris Townsend

This was about my brother and sister being abducted about five years ago. Please click here to see their picures and let us know if you can help find them