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The History of Hate

I've grown shallow, coarse, so full of hate

I try to fight off what I can't sedate

Yeah, they hurt me so bad I wish I was dead

And now nothing I'm seeing dosen't have red

They hurt me as deep as anything could

Now there's a hole where mu kindness once stood

I've tried to fight off all this hate and this rage

But nothing will ever remain in it's cage

Why is it that these things that I seek

Leave me so hollow, angry and meek

I curse all of you for the love you've not shown

And I curse this deep chill that's set in my bones

you were my friends and I loved you so dear

But now that I'm back I wish I were not here

you once were as close as family to me

But I fell off that boat and I'm lost in this sea

When I was young you were all there

Now all of my love is tossed in the air

I lie in this room and wish you could see

That I'm not the way I used to be

Chris Townsend

August 26th 1998