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Hope's Waterfall

Defeated, she reaches out to the world

Calling for help to fight whats's unfurled

With her arms tied in knots and her lips sealed so tight

She stands so alone, flooding tears as she fights

Her weapons are useless. She's armored in vain

Despite her fatigue, she ignores all the pain

The sun has long set on the fields of her dreams

Her eyes have grown blank. No sparkles or gleams

Yet, strongly she stands in hopes she'll regain

That glimmer of hope for the exiting train

To the lands where the skies aren't rotted and gray

Where the ocean's calm breeze brings solace each day

Where the birds sing sweet songs of freedom's soft lore

And the waterfalls merrily continue to pour

Yes, during this battle she holds out her hands

Envisioning the feel of these distant lands

Her heart beating fast as she closes her eyes

Knowing that, without hope, this young dreamer dies

Chris Townsend

May 22 1999