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Tell me again

Speak! Answer your call

Have you lost your way?

Entered endless oblivion

Triumph lost in your boundaries

Consciousness rendered unstable

A word

A word to change it all

Where have the children gone?

Carefree existance a thing of the past

Turmoil and strife

Barbwire kisses scar

The flesh

The mind

The heart is dying

Beats in rhythm have slowed

Entered painful oblivion

Showed the prophets their faults

Kindness kindly kindling

The fire within

Burn, they say,


Callousness reigns

And smiles bear false truth

Of the lies to come

Enter your shell

Hide form me

For I am real

A scarred reality

The words

The words to chnage it all

Listen to the childrens voice rise up

Beauty unsurpassed

They are our future

We are their past

A constant paradox

An evoloution on the rise

Tell me agian


Chris Townsend

May 30th 1999