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Through New Eyes

Laughter rings in the halls as a faded memory

The paper sits on the desk

A note from Jenna to Nathan

Virginia would have intercepted it and passed it on

Simply protocol in the average life


An empty swing sways laziliy in the wind

Held up by rusted posts and a decaying chain

It's creaking still scares the birds

And the grass underneath refuses to grow

This is a sacred place of child's play


I follow the yellow lines down the road

Far in the distance it dances before me

They say it's due to the heat, but I'm not dancing

Reminds me of a swimming pool

Reminds me of childhood

Bet I can hold my breath longer

Nah, forget it, lets play Marco Polo


A bat and ball head for each other

They have to get this right

To the human ear ony a crack

To them a swift kiss before the next inning

Over and over again untilt he sun sets

I envy them

In this sacred place of childs play

Chris Townsend