Tapioca's Poem Page
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Tapioca's Poem Page

Rapture By: Clay
By: Clay

The turbulent skies, a mirror of my restless soul.
Cool night enfolds me, I raise my arms and embrace the stars.
The beneficent moon smiles upon me, luminous and whole.
I breathe deep of the cool night air, blowing free, clean and unmarred.

The sky is spanned by a lattice of electric flame.
Clouds rush in to greet me, an exuberent host.
In a voice of thunder, night calls my name.
The wind caresses me, ephemeral ghosts.

Another time and place By: Clay
By: Clay

Where did our hearts dwell before our time of birth?
In what place did our spirits walk before they walked this earth?
Though the place may be a mystery, one thing seems so clear to me...
Wherever it was our hearts did fly, we were together, you and I.
Whatever the place, be it far or near, we shared and laughed and held each other dear.
And when that time together was through, you left part of you with me, and I, a part of me with you!

To my puter pals By: Tapioca
By: Tapioca

Don't give me any Methadone or fill me with some snow
Don't give me any glue to sniff, that's not the way to go!!
Don't need to 'ject me with cocaine, or start those Morphine drips.
You'll never find me snorting crack, no psychedelic trips.
Don't rub me with a Voodoo oil, or other modern trends.
To get me on a special high, give me my puter friends...

To Grandpop By: Tapioca
By: Tapioca

God's ways are sometimes strange to us, why does a loved one die??
Why does he take our near and dear, to his home in the sky??
Perhaps he needs a helper, or another shining star.
So when he needs an angel, he can't leave us where we are!!!

To My Love By: Tapioca
By: Tapioca

When we speak of instruments, and just how well you play,
I think of how you strum my heart, every single day.
You only have to reach for me, and gently hold my hand,
to make the sweetest music that could come from any band.

Your lips on mine play rhapsodies, that burn into my heart.
And when we love, those tunes you make, have thrilled me from the start.
Those fingers play like violins and gently stroke my hair
and when they next caress my cheek, crescendo builds from there!!

Your soul's a cymbal, loud and clear, and strikes a mighty note.
The music that it sends to me, is what the angels wrote.
The music from that instrument always makes me high.
The love that comes with perfect sounds, always makes me cry.

When your voice speaks words to me, the melody's so dear,
it lays like diamonds on my heart, and rubies to my ear.
The rhythm of your beating heart gives off a poignant sound,
that makes my own beat twice as hard, whenever you're around.

So never say you cannot play, your music's loud and clear
I alone know best of all...for I receive it, dear.
For in my mind your music plays, just between us two...
And every note forthcoming says: "Tapi, I love you"....

If you have any comments about any of the poems or you would like to say hello to me then drop me a line

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