Bios for Butch and Cassidy

Image-Butch and Cassidy, the other Team Rocket


Image-Cassidy looking evil

Japanese Name: Yamato (Image-Yamato)
Hair color: Yellow-orange
Eye Color: Purple

Not much is known about Cassidy. After all, she's only appeared in two episodes so far. She's Jesse's rival, and every time the two meet they're at each other's throats. She's higher ranking than Jesse and James, and is in better with the boss.

Some people believe that Cassidy may be Jesse's sister, due to some strange coincidences. First, The card with Cassidy on it in the Team Rocket edition of the TCG has been translated by some magazines as "Team Rocket's big sister". Secondly, in World War II, the ships "Musashi" (Jesse's Japanese name) and "Yamato" (Cassidy's Japanese name) were sister ships.


Image-Butch holding a camera and smiling

Japanese Name: Kosaburu (Image-Kosaburu)
Hair color: Aqua
Eye Color: Brown

Even less is known about Butch. He's never said much in his brief appearences. Some would call this a blessing, due to his froggish and somewhat annoying voice. He and his partner are definately more liked by the boss. In fact, when they were arrested in their first episode, they were bailed out by the boss himself.



Image-Butch and Cassidy's Raticate

This was the only Pokemon they had in their first episode, "The Breeding Center Secret". They sent it out against Pikachu, but it was taken out in one Thundershock. It can't talk, simply popping up and shouting "Raticate!" at the end of Butch and Cassidy's motto.


Image-Butch and Cassidy's Drowzee

In they're second episode, "Pikachu Revolts", Butch and Cassidy had a Drowzee. They hooked it up to a machine to amplify it's psychic waves, and hypnotized all of the areas Pokemon to turn on their trainers. It was defeated by Togepi, though. Of all the dumb luck.

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