Bio for Tyson

Japanese Name: Tatsumi (タツミ)
Hair color: Brown
Eye Color: Black
English Voice Actor: Dan Green
Japanese Voice Actor: Yoshinori Sonobe (園部好徳)

Tyson is a Team Rocket 'Squad Leader'. He has many Rocket grunts under his command and appears to be very highly ranked. His mission in the episodes "Talkin' 'Bout an Evolution" and "Rage of Innocence" was to capture a Red Gyrados that had been forced to evolve by Professor Sebastian's mysterious Project R.

When Jessie, James, and Meowth broke in to the Team Rocket research base in search of food, Tyson gave them a part in the project: lure the angry Gyrados to the surface of the lake for capture. Once they had accomplished what he needed, he callously allowed them to be captured in the net with the raging beast.

At end of "Rage of Innocence", he was arrested along with the grunts under his command.


Fearow/Onidrill (オニドリル)

Tyson uses two Fearow that attack in tandem. They are both fearsome fighters, and held their own for a long time against Lance's Dragonite.

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