
Fanart by Blessin

Here is a pic of my first day at Rocket Acadamy, Met this sweet guy called James. He showed me around and was a real gent, even gave me a rose as a good luck gift.
A few days later I saw James again at Rocket Head Quarters. He was with his partner Jesse. They where picking up their Pokemon from the RHQ healing centre. They had been beaten by some kid who's Pokemon out numbered theirs by 10-2. James said his Koffing was a lot better and Jesse was happy that her Ekans was OK.
Went out walking today, thought I might try and catch a wild pokemon untill my offical Team Rocket Pokemon comes through. Went to Onix vally, and saw Jess and James in a tricky situation with a giant onix. But I'm sure they can handle it. Or can they???
James has decided to take Jesse out to a very posh Chinese resturaunt to celebrate the new millenium. What a sweety.
Double trouble time!
Jesse's trying on one of the new Salon Rockqe fashions. I think she likes her old top better though...
Faster James! We're hot on the trail of that Jigglypuff!
James finally found a good use for his Victreebell, A very comfy beany-bag chair he thinks!
James giving chocolates away??? It must be love!
Awww... Lots of hugs!
James is such a sweet guy, Jess knows she'll always have a good shoulder to cry on.
Jesse, James and Me all got together with our Pokemon for a group picture. Smile guys!

Manga by Blessin

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Page 2
And an animation!

Fanart By Evil Jess

Fanart by JackalAndromeda

Fanart by Jemppu

Fanart by Psionide

Fanart by Snow

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