International Mottos

Have you ever wondered what James says in the Spanish version of Pokemon? What Meowth is called in German? Now you can read Team Rocket mottos from around the world.

Chinese * Dutch * French * German * Hebrew * Italian * Japanese * Polish * Portuguese * Spanish * Spanish (South American) * Slovak * Swedish


This is just the translation of the Mandarin version of the motto. The Mandarin motto is actually from Taiwan, this is the Taiwanese accent of Chinese if you didn't know, not from. China. By the way, since Chinese is easier to translate from Japanese, it has exactly the same meaning as the Jap. motto, even the names are the same.(Japanese uses Chinese words, but pronounce differently.) (written in han yu pin yin)

Wei le fang zhi si jie de puo huai
Wei le bao hu si jie de he pin
guan zhe ai yu de xie he
ke ai you mi ren de fan zhan jiao se
Mu zhang!
Xiao che lang!
Wo men si chuan suo guo de Huo Jian Duei!
Bai dong, bai se de min tian den zhe wo men!
jiu shi zhe yang!

To protect the world from being destroyed
To retain the world's peace
We concern love and evil.
the cute and charming villians
We are the much talked about Team Rocket!
A White hole, a white future awaits us!
That's right!


This was sent in by Zapdos

"This one is not my own motto, but the one they say in the Dutch anime."

Om de wereld voor verder verval te behoeden
Om de mensen te kunnen beinvloeden
Om de kwaadaardigheid van liefde aan te tonen
Om dichter bij de sterren te komen
Team Rocket is nog sneller dan het licht
Vecht als een man of geef je over en zwicht
Meowth! Ogen dicht!


This is the motto in French, sent in by Shadow. Many people sent in the motto in French, and we only wish we cold give you all credit. Thanks for caring!

"In fact it isn't an original Team Rocket Motto: I see the German and Spanish Motto, so I give you the French one:"

us sommes de retour.
Pour vous jouer un mauvais tour.
Afin de sauver le monde de la devastation.
Afin de rallier tous les peuples e` notre nation.
Afin de denoncer l'amour et la verite.
Afin d'etendre notre pouvoir jusqu'a la Voie Lactee.
La Team Rocket, plus rapide que la lumiere.
Rendez vous tous, ou ce sera la guerre.
Miaouss, oui la guerre.


This is the Motto from the German anime. It was sent in by a reader from Germany. (Here forever nameless)

Jetzt gibt's Aerger
Und es kommt noch haerter
Wir wollen ueber die Erde regieren
Und unseren eigenen Staat kreieren
Liebe und Wahrheit verurteilen wir
Mehr und mehr Macht, dass wollen wir!
Und James!
Team Rocket, so schnell wie das Licht
Gib lieber auf und bekämpfe uns nicht!
Miauz, genau!


This motto is in Hebrew and was submitted by Misty_waterflower, a.k.a. Naomi.

Submiter's note: "This is in Hebrew, and the "ch" is pronounced by a grating sound in the throat, like you were about to hock a loogie. Speaking of loogies, DON'T hock one, whatever you do!"

Le'agen al ha'olam mi'l'hiyot aroos,
Leached et koolam le'am echad,
Lehitpater mi'ahava v'emet,
Lim'toach et kocheinu lakochavim bam'romim!
Kvootsat ha'raketa! Tamri'i bi'm'hiroot ha'or!
Vitroo karega o natchil l'hilachem!
Meowth! Nachon!


This is the Motto in Italian, sent in by Mabelle "Jessie" Sasso.

"Hi! This isn't my own motto, but the Italian version of the Team Rocket motto! "

Preparatevi a passare dei guai!
E dei guai molto grossi!
Proteggeremo il mondo dalla devastazione
Uniremo tutti i popoli sotto la nostra nazione
Denunceremo i mail della verie` e dell' amore
Estenderemo il nostro potere fino alle stelle
Team rocket pronto a partire alla velocite` della luce
Arrendetevi o preparatevi a combattere
Miao proprio cose`!


Here Is the Motto in It's original Japanese.

Nandakanda to kikaretara
Kotaete ageru yo no nasake
Sekai no hakai o fusegu tame
Sekai no heiwa o mamoru tame
Ai to shinjitsu no aku o tsuranuku
RABURII CHAAMII na katakiyaku
Ginga o kakeru ROCKETTO-dan no futari ni wa
HOWAITO HOORU. Shiroi ashita ga matteruze.
Nya, nyaate na


Submitted By: Pinka
"This isn't MY motto, it's the Polish version."

Zeby protectovac swiat od devestacji.
Zeby ctrymac jedny nacji
Zeby walcyc za milosc
Zeby dostac do wysokosc
Zespow R jest scibkji
Zuc bron, chy stan i walc


This is the motto in Portuguese, submited by Bandeirinhas

Preparar para azar!
E a dobrar!
Para proteger o Mundo da devasta`~o!
Para unir todos os povos da nossa na`~o!
Para denunciar os males da verdade e do amor!
Para conquistar todo o Universo em redor!
Team Rocket, velocidade da luz vai atacar!
Rendam-se agora ou preparem-se para lutar!
Miau! Exacto!


By Regina

"Hello, I'm a spanish girl, from Barcelona. Here, in Spain, The original motto of the great Rocket Team is the next:"

Buscais problemas?
Pues escuchad nuestro lema:
Para proteger al mundo de la devastacion
Para unir a todos los pueblos en una sola nacion
Para denunciar a los enemigos de la verdad y el amor
Para extender nuestro poder ms all` del espacio exterior
El team Rocket despega a la velocidad de la luz!
Rendos ahora, o preparaos par luchar!
Meowth, bien dicho!

"It's a translation of the english version, and it's a little diferent of the sudamerican version. Thanks for created this page, I will back again soon! Special congratulations for the manga images. My best wishes -Regina "

Spanish (South American)

This is the motto in Spanish (South American) submited by Ignacio Villalobos

Preparense para los problemas!
Y más vale que teman!
Para proteger al mundo de la devastación!
Para unir a los pueblos dentro de nuestra nación!
Para denunciar los males de la verdad y el amor!
Para extender nuestro reino hasta las estrellas!
El equúo rocket viajando a la velocidad de a luz!
Rú‹danse ahora o prepárense para luchar!
Meowth! asEes!


From Nissa

"This is team rocket motto in Slovak language":

Aby sme zachranili svet pred zahubou
A dosiahli zjednotenie narodov
Porazili ducha pravdy, lasky a dobra
A naciahli sa k novym vyskam
Sme raketovy tym, utocime rychlostou svetla
Tak s nami bojuj alebo sa poddaj
Miau, presne tak


"This is not my own motto, is the motto Team Rocket uses in Sweden!"
Corrected by Oki.

Je: Bered er pEtrubbel.
Jag föreslår dubbeltrubbel.
För att skydda allt från förstörelse
Och förena allt i en rörelse
Fördömer vi sanning och kärleken
För att vi skall nEupp till himmelen
Team Rocket, ingen kommer undan oss
SEge nu upp, eller börja slåss
Meowth, förstås!

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