Look Forward, Team Rocket!

Starring the voice talent of:
Megumi Hayashibara (林原めぐみ) as Jessie
Shinichiro Miki (三木眞一郎) as James
Inuko Inuyama (犬山犬子) as Meowth

Look Forward, Team Rocket! (前向きロケット団!/Maemuki Roketto Dan!) is a single containing the 12th ending song of the Pokemon anime, performed by Team Rocket. It was released on July 21, 2001 on a 3 inch (8cm) Mini CD and contains 3 tracks. It came packaged with a sheet of stickers from Team Rocket's Propaganda Department that you could use to show your support!

The stickers came with some introductory text:
"Forward-looking Team Rocket Members"
Together with our Team Rocket, we aim to create a bright future. So, now and always, let’s continue to cheer-on Team Rocket! If you are a “Forward-looking Team Rocket Member”, get your certification here, meow!
Team Rocket Propaganda Headquarters
Department Head Meowth

And the back of the sticker sheet has a set of rules for those who want to join the team:
Information for prospective Team Rocket Members
Number 1: For the sake of getting Pokemon, thou shalt do 20 push-ups and sit-ups!
Number 2: Thou shalt eat with gusto three meals a day, leaving nothing on your plate!
Number 3: Even if something bad happens, yell “We’re blasting off again~!” in a loud voice, and thou shalt forget about it in 5 seconds!
Number 4: Aim to be a superstar! Once every day, though shalt promote “Look forward Team Rocket!” by singing and dancing!
Number 5: When someone tells you to prepare for trouble, thou shalt answer “Team Ra-ri-ru-re-rocket!”

Track Listing

1. 『前向きロケット団!』 うた:ロケット団(ムサシ‐コジロ‐ニャ-ス)
『Look Forward, Team Rocket!』 Song: Team Rocket (Jessie-James-Meowth)
2. 『前向きロケット団! (オリジナルカラオケ)』
『Look Forward, Team Rocket! (Original Karaoke)』
3. 『もっと前向きロケット団! (RE-MIX Version)』 うた:ロケット団(ムサシ‐コジロ‐ニャ-ス)
『Look Further Forward, Team Rocket! (RE-MIX Version)』 Song: Team Rocket (Jessie-James-Meowth)

View the ending theme here:

Pokemon 12th Ending (Japanese): Maemuki Roketto Dan

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