The Mottos of Team Rocket

Jessie and James have had many mottos over the years. The most familiar being the original that is used almost every episode, but sometimes they like to change it up. Here are some variations that have been used:

First is the motto they sang in "Song of the Jigglypuff":

You know us as Team Rocket and we fight for what is wrong. We're tired of our motto, so we thought we'd try a song.
The speed of light, prepare to fight.
Meowth, that's ri-ight!
I am the handsome one.
I'm the gorgeous on.
Looking good is so much fun!
We get some things wrong
But we keep rolling along
We hope to capture Pikachu,
We hope we do it soon
And when we do, we'll be the new
Stars of this...

This next motto is a short one they used in "The problem with Paras":

We sometimes go undercover,
But our enemies soon discover,
We're Team Rocket supersquad!

This next one is the motto for Salon Rocket:

To protect the world from boring fashion
To dress all people with flash and passion
To give all Pokémon pretty faces
To extend our art to outer places
When it comes to chic, we know what's right
Surrender your taste or prepare to fight!

This is the *cornyest* thing I have ever heard, I love it! Given to us by JesseTR is the Motto from the episode "Meowth Rules!"

I'm a friend who needs you too!
Make that double, we both need you!
You protect us all from desperation
You unite us all in jubilation
You chase away our lonelyness
You're a mess, but we love you nonetheless
Team Rocket's friendship never ends
So lets set sail on our ship of friends!

This is the motto from "Tracey gets bugged". It's after Jessie gets some of her hair chopped of by a Syther.

You messed with my hair, so prepare for trouble!
It used to be there, but now it's stubble!
To protect my hair from humiliation!
It used to be here, but it's on vacation!
My beautiful hair was my one true love!
They went together like a hand in glove!
My hair may be short, but it won't be for long!
And it won't stop our Jessie from doing what's wrong!

Sent in By: Kevin Phoenix

*Although short, it came from Pokemon: The Movie 2000*
Prepare for more trouble than you've ever seen
And make it double because we're on the big screen
*They went into action after that part. I hope you'll post this anyway.*

This is the motto James and Jessie used during the Pokémon legue games after posing as food vendors:

Want food without trouble?
If you're hungery make it double!
To protect the world from Hunger and thrist!
Our food isn't bad, at least not the worst!
Team Rocket Reasturant, stop in for a bite!
We're open all day! We're open all night!

Sent in by

This one is from the Pokemon Movie 2000, when they're coming to help Ash

If that kid thinks we're here for trouble
We're certainly going to bust his bubble
Instead of causing tribulation
We've undergone a transformation
Until now, Team Rocket's been quite unscrupulous
Being good guys for once would be superdupulous!
Meowth, that's right!

To read and hear mottos from around the world, check out our International Section!

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