Team Rocket Poetry

Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat

By Kooshball

Pussy cat, Pussy cat, where have you been?
I've been to London to visit the Queen.
Pussy cat, Pussy cat, what did you do there?
I frightened a mouse, under the chair.
Pussy cat, Pussy cat, were you rewarded?
No, I was shocked until I smouldered.
Pussy cat, Pussy cat, why is this so?
The mouse was the Queens' pet Pikachu, Toto.
Pussy cat, Pussy cat, how did you react?
I repaid that Pikachu with a smack.
Pussy cat, Pussy cat, what happened next?
I was attacked by the Queens' 'Rex'.
Pussy cat, Pussy cat, Rex would be a...?
An angry Charizard on a very bad day.
Pussy cat, Pussy cat, what did you say then?
Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!!!! *PING*!

The circle

By Bulbasaur

Get the rat
Its shock sparking viciously
And with a mighty cry it
Unleashes yellow power
Away, again
With a sparkle in the sky,
Together, yet shattered
The brat smiles
Innocent yet wicked
And leads away his minions
The rat moves on
They do not see
The landing
And never will

The fallen warriors
They squabble
They know the brat's
Dumb luck
It is magic, strong
The rat hovers
Close, so far
It can be held in the hand
But never truely held
Blazing surge
Aura of the youth
A fortress
Yet a cage

Double-bladed sword
It strikes
The scorch
Its power disarms our heros
They cannot fight it
Fushia serpent
Meloncholie sphere
Screech of feline
All tumble to the charred
And blackened earth

Blade of crimson
Shears of lavender
They go away
Just to return
The empty shadow has them
Mere puppets to the
Mighty, the
The cavern of the tomb that
They know
Not much, but not trivial
The failing hand curls its fingers
To prepare
Anticipate to strike once more
For the smirk of the rodent's coil

A Hard Day's Chuu

While blasting off again one day
James to Jess was heard to say,
"Why don't we try for something new,
Instead of that wretched Pikachu?"

Meowth then screeched
Shrill was his tone,
"You're more dense than a
Marowak's bone!"

But Jessie thought
And then she said,
"Let's try for something else instead."

Away they flew, as if a-wing
Into that funny sparkle thing
And Ash has never heard since then:
"Team Rocket's blasting off again!"

Our group of heros,
Talked to the Boss,
His tone was eerie:

"So you don't want Pikachu
You want instead a challenge new.
Here's my condition: listen true.
You'd better bring me back a Mew."

Their minds made up,
They set out then
To score with the Boss
A perfect ten.

They trudged through fields,
They trudged through dales,
Amid the ususal
Pondering wails:

"Oh NO! My face!"
When'er was a scratch,
"I want a doughnut!"
That phrase one could catch

Very often
Throughout the course of day
As Meowth could sometimes
Be heard to say,

"I told you dimwits,
Catchin' Pokémon's a bold
Step for those
Who can't catch a cold!"

And then came the feet
Upon the cat's head
Finally, one day
Jessie thought and said,

"We're completely lost!"
It seemed to be right
No human nor Pokémon in sight.

But then a light
Came from the sky
Three vine whips
From a hole did fly

Snatched our heros
Round their waists
To take them to a wond'rous place.

To Bulbasaur's
Writing studio
Into the fics
TR did go

And with Bulba's help,
And others true,
They finally captured Pikachu.

James' Poem

By Baby Clefairy

You know I love you, Jesse,
and I know you love me too.
I really am sorry,
I just don't know how to tell you.

They say it really is easy,
but for me I'm not so sure.
Whenever I try I get queasy,
I really wish I could find a cure.

Just make it easy for me,
you know how hard I try.
I would swim across the sea for you,
I would even die.

You know I love you, Jesse,
and I know you love me too.
I really am sorry,
I just don't know how to tell you.

Give me one more chance,
I'll use it soon.
Then we can dance,
under the stars and the moon.

Pokemon World

By Lapras

Through the galexies and space
Unto the earth's new face
We came here, one and all
To live here with the great and small

Where raichu met rat
Where persian met cat
When pidgey met bird
Harmonies were heard

We were here first is all I can say
And we are still here this very day
For as long as fish have somewhere to swim
Or a zubat has a cave dark and dim

The only thing that could destroy this planet of blue,
Are the destructive creatures, humans like you
Animals and pokemon that thrive,
Know how to keep it all alive

So if you just listen what we hold
Then maybe you'd all come out of the cold
That we've been keeping the peace abirth
The day we came to this earth

Blasting Off

By Christy V

Team Rocket is blasing off again
Then the pokemon battle ends
But a new battle begins
Team rocket battles Unbalanced Forces
And Breaks Newton three laws of Motion
Defing the law of Gravity
By flying threw the air unintetionally
Break all these law is absurd
Because it was a law that sent them, Newton's Third
For every action theres and equal but opposite reaction
Which equals Team Twerp's unfortunate satifaction

By Lapras

Meowth's Party (no, not the song!)

Out in a forest wood, All pokemon shouted,
Because a party was gonna start, And boy, was it crowded!
"Meowth! Meowth! Where can you be?
We want to begin This par-ty!!"
A sly Meowth then stepped out,
"Please everyone, no need to shout!
Now why don't you all come in,
And let this party begin!"
They all cheered and ran for the door
There were 80 pokemon or even more!
The music soon began to play,
And every pocket monster danced its own way.
Lickitung tounges flailed in the air,
Pidgeotto flapped without a care,
Gloom and Vileplume Twirled around,
While Geodude and Sandslash Pounded the ground,
Cubones all did jump and jive,
And Magikarp sprung up, And looked alive!
Rapidash pranced,
Executor danced,
And ol' Meowth was DJ Doing his duties,
Laughed as he watched them, Shake their booties!
All through the night, The party went on,
They danced and danced, Til the crack of dawn,
And soon all the pokemon, Who were jumpin'
Grew very tired, And felt like slumpin'
"Okay," the Meowth said,
"Time to go home, And go to bed!"
The guests nodded, And walked out the door,
Not quite as energetic, As before,
As soon as they'd gone, Meowth laid down with a smile,
Thinking that this was the best party, He'd had in a while,
Not long after, He started to snore,
Dreaming of his party, The night before.



In the world,
there is only one thing they would like,
and that is a payday.

For all the hard work they do,
they only want one thing,
a payday.

They get broke too,
so all they are asking for is,
a payday.

Makes Team Rocket Fail


Red hair,
blue eyes,
evil sceams that make Ash cry;
stuborn so with hair a glow,
makes Team Rocket fail.
Blue hair,
green eyes,
Victreebell's a scream and so am I;
stupid boy with lots of toys,
makes Team Rocket fail.
Golden badge,
furr a shine,
loving Meowth is not a crime;
little cat with big bad mouth,
makes Team Rocket fail.



By: Justina Thomstone

There was a young man called James

Who had THE most gorgeous of names
I want him so badly
But unfortunately (and sadly)
He wasn't up for any of my games (!)

My James

By: James's Rose

Have you ever had that feeling,
When you walk into a room,
And your one true love is standing there,
And you wish to be with them soon?

I have that feeling all the time,
Whenever I see you around,
All my heart wants to do is fly to you,
But my mind tells me to stay on the ground.

Roses are the flowers of love and romance,
And if we’re ever too far apart,
Think of me while you look at the moon,
Cos' the moonlight leads the way to the heart.

In love is an experience I’ve never had,
Like no other feeling before,
My ruby red heart will always beat for you,
Today and forever more.

The rose of your love shines in your eyes,
Those beautiful eyes of desire,
Stay with me forever and a day,
Cos’ your love makes my heart on fire.

Your emerald green eyes enchant me,
I could look at them everyday,
And I’ve wished one day you would let me;
Get lost in them for now and always.

Your lavender blue hair shines so soft,
How I would love to touch it right now,
I wish I could feel it against my skin,
Like silk against my fingers it would feel.

Your voice is so hypnotic,
Like the call of a Nightingales song,
I could listen to it forever,
Cos’ for me it will never get to long.

My love for you makes my soul alive,
You lift my heart up high,
In the sun and snow, the heat and cold,
My heart is no longer shy.

My heart feels so lonely without you,
When you’ve gone and I’m alone,
But then I look forward to seeing you,
Because you, the love to my heart, you have shown.

I wish you were real, perhaps I should wait,
Till your heart leads to your love to me;
And I hope someday you’ll share your love,
Cos to my heart you hold the key.

My heart is where my secrets are kept,
Where my deepest desires are hidden,
But I hope one day you’ll un-locked my heart,
Then my secrets will be for you to be reading.

So let me tell you one last time,
What your love really means to me,
One day I hope you will love me back,
Cos I think together is how we should be.

I hope that day you’ll be reading this,
And realise that I love you so much,
I hope your heart will feel the same,
My James, the only heart I can touch.

Until That Day

By Angela

Team Rocket may never win you see,
And that's because of us three.

We fail, we cry,
But our dream will never die.

One day our group will rule the world!
In our fingers it will be curled!

But until that day we'll try and try,
To steal rare pokemon. You ask why?

Because it's our job, Jesse and I,
Our mischievous Meowth at our side.

One day we are sure to get Pikachu,
But it's not an easy thing to do.

We get shocked, we get fried,
We get wet, but we try!

That's what counts, doesn't it,
Even though we're sent sailing with one hit?

"Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!"
Is what we'll say until we win.

Until that triumphant, glorious day,
There is one thing I will never say.

I will never tell her how I feel,
And that my love for her is real.

She is too down and hurt you see,
There is no room for love for me.

But we finally succeed,
My feelings for her will be freed.

She will be happy on that day,
Her troubles will have been washed away.

Making room for my love,
That extends beyond the stars above.

Until that day I'll wear a mask,
And in my fantasies I'll bask.

Until then I'll be the same,
To my Jesse, with love, your James.


Colors of a New World

By Megadude

The world is full of colors
Like those on an artist's Pallet
They breathe Viridian life
Into a coin, a rose, a mallet

From the chill of a Pewter rock
To a Cerulean beach shore
The comfort of Lavender fields
Over which Vermilion birds soar

Through a Celadon forest
With a shining Saffron sunset
Fuchsia clouds mark the sky
As a Seafoam lake lies beneath it

The Cinnabar earth is soft
As New Bark breaks free
Rain falls from the sky
On a lone Cherrygrove tree

Violet petals grace the air
While Azalea mountains peirce the sky
Their Goldenrod peaks extending
Over the Ecruteak horizon

A Cianwood palm tree trunk sharply contrasts
With damp Olivine leaves residing
On thick Mahogany branches
Like a towel o'er Blackthorn sleeves

All of these colors reign
Beneath an Indigo sky and sea
Which combine to create one message:
Rocketto-dan yo ein ni!

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