Team Rocket Quiz

1. Which one of the following has Jesse caught?
A nasty headcold

2. When entering a room full of Pokemon fans you...
Perform your motto and demand all Pokemon in the name of Team Rocket
Declare your undieing love for Ash
Sing "Misty's Song"
Turn your hat backwards and challenge them all to a Pokemon battle

3. If you had a choice...
Ash would beat Giovanni and Team Rocket would be disbanded
Ash and Misty would get the hook-up
Team Rocket would stop doing their motto
Jesse and James would finally capture Pikachu

4. What Poke`mon was James's child-hood pet?
A Bellsprout
A Growlithe
A Meowth
A Magicarp

5. Which of the following is NOT a spelling of Meowth's Japanese name?

6. In what episode did James cross-dress for the first time?
Holiday at Alcopulco
Battle abourd the St. Anne
Pokemon Scent-sation
The Water Flowers of Cerulean City

7. When did James' Weepinbell evolve?
When Butch and Cassidy evolved it at the breeding center
When it beat all of Ash's Pokemon, only to be defeated by Psyduck
When it got hungry and decided to eat James' head
When Jesse and James stole a shipment of evolution stones

8. The boss's name is:
Bruce Springsteen
A and C

9. Jesse and James' Japanese names are Musashi and Kojiro. Who are they named after?
Legendary Swordsmen
Famous Japanese criminals
The mother and father of the creator of the game
The childhood pets of the cheif animator

10. What Badge do you earn after defeating Giovanni?
Soul Badge
Boulder Badge
Earth Badge
Rainbow Badge

11. What two pokemon evovled after James booted them?
Koffing and Metapod
Pikachu and Charmander
Ekans and Weepinbell
Magikarp and Mankey

12. What pokemon did Team Rocket's FIRST submarine look like?

13. In the episode with the Squirtle Squad, what besides gun powder did Team Rocket steal?

14. What was the first out fit Meowth wore the FIRST time he had cross dressed?
Nurse Joy outfit
Officer Jenny outfit
Talk show hostess
Viking ship mount

15. Why can't Meowth learn pay day?
He already knows it
He used up all his smarts learning to talk
He doesn't want to
He needs more experiance

16. Who is Mondo?
A trainer who is robbed by Team Rocket and seeks revenge
A Rocket member who bails Jesse and James out of trouble
The new boss of Team Rocket, takes over when Giovanni is arrested
A trainer who tries to steal Pikachu in order to join Team Rocket

17. What trap does Team Rocket use the most?
Using a rocket launching net
Dig a hole
Blow something up
Trick someone else into doing their ditry work for them

18. Acording to James, which came first, the chicken or the egg?
The chicken
The egg
Neither. They both showed up at the same time
Neither. Pikachu came first

19. What Pokemon did Giovanni leave Jessie and James to use when they were in charge of his gym?
Ryhorn, Machamp, and Kingler
Weezing, Aarbok, and Meowth
Pikachu, Butterfree, and Charmander
Likitung, Victreebell, and Hitmonlee

20. Why did Team Rocket use a tank in the episode with the 2 Mr. Mimes?
Ash stole their balloon
They wanted heavier fire power
There was a sale on military surplus
The writers forgot they had a ballon

Score =

0 to 25%- Would your name happen to be Ash?
26 to 50%- Rocket Academy Level
51 to 75%- Jesse and James would be Proud
76 to 100%- The boss wants to talk to you about a Promotion!

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