Eric Stuart Interview

Image-Eric Stuart, the seiyuu for Brock and James
"The Man"

The following is an E-mail conversation between Eric Stuart (The voice actor for James and Brock, not to mention various other anime characters) and JackalAndromeda. Mr. Stuart answered questions about the show, and his career in Classic Rock. We found him to be courteous, and he responded to us very quickly. Do not E-mail us asking for his E-mail address. We respect him very much as an actor and don't want anyone harassing him. If you want to know more about Eric Stuart and his career, visit his web site.

He has worked with Ringo Starr, opened for Peter Frampton, and otherwise enjoyed a great career in Rock. He has voiced Gourry in "Slayers". With out further ado, the interview:

(Note that Additional comments have been added by JackalAndromeda in parentheses.)

1.)What do you enjoy the Most about voicing James? About voicing Brock?
James has a lot of range. Very funny stuff. Brock is so eager - he loves to explain everything.

2.)Do you do anything special to get in character for James?
No. I am just really strange naturally.

3.)Do you think that Jesse and James are an "Item", in the romantic sense?
No. I think James only loves himself.

(All Rocketshippers should keep in mind that the writers may have different ideas.)

4.)What is your favorite thing about voicing anime? (Slayers or Poke`mon)
Slayers has much more humour to it. I like that a lot. But I have more to do on Pokemon.

5.) How is your great career in Classic Rock going? Anything you'd like our readers to know? You want to tell us about your new CD?
My new CD "Blue, Dressed In Black" is now available through my web site We financed everything ourselves and are trying to sell enough to tour this summer.

6.)What do you see in the future of Team Rocket?
Their own sit-com.

7.)Has 4Kids discussed anything about Translating/revoicing the Team Rocket CD dramas?

8.)Do you have a favorite line for James? A favorite quote for Brock?
James, I can't remember anything specific but Brock "Hey, Nice Vulpix"

9.)How do you feel about Brock's replacement Tracey? Do you think that Brock be returning to the show?
Tracey doesn't really do it for me. I think he's kind of wimpy. Brock returns next season - episode 13.

10.) Can you smell what the Brock is cookin? *Ahem* Sorry... Do fans harass you in public?
No. Fans don't really believe me when I tell them I do the voices.

11.)What are the perks of voicing a villain?
Villians are much more fun. Bumbling villians are the best. There is nothing better than having a plan backfire.

12.)Do you have any favorite quotes?
"Old man, give me back my money" James

13.)Favorite episodes?
Haunted House

14.)Anything else you'd like to say that we haven't covered?
I hope you are ready for the next movie.

(Oh, we are!)

Image-eric Stuart as a youngin'
"The 'Bat' Man"

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