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Visitors So Far

Sat Aug 26 18:49:36 2000
Submitting Host:

visitor_name:	Zack Hurst
rant:	Hey Man, nice page...I'll have to take pic's of my chainmaile and 
post it on my page for you to see. You're the only "normal" person 
I've met that makes it. I'll have to come by for some free stuff there 
at you table. If you're there anymore.

Thu Oct 12 10:06:32 2000
Submitting Host:

visitor_name:	Jess the Librarian
email:	about to change to something
rant:	Hi all,

Cool web site!  (Where'd that crotch shot go...)
Just got a great new job at the UMass Amherst 
Library, if you're ever in the area, and what a 
beautiful area it is, look me up.

I'm outa here!

Thu Jun 28 13:19:34 2001
Submitting Host:

visitor_name:	meredith
email:	meredith at amanita dot net
rant:	well okay then if i'm allowed to rant here i guess i will.  normally i do capitalize 'i' but right now i just don't feel like it.  sometimes if i'm feeling upset i'll use this to indicate that, and while i am dejected right now i'm still just doing it because i want to - too lazy to hit the shift key.  so blah blah blah i have been out of school for a few years now and i really miss wmc and i want to go back to the way it used to be there but i figure everything's changed and i can't ever go back.  my next educational step will be night classes at gallaudet university this fall; i'd have started this summer but they have a limited course selection at night in summer and they aren't offering what i want to take.  hey, just checked the dates above, you haven't had anybody sign this thing in more than a year.  i wonder if there's a size limit on this box.  i'm glad you're in the area now, i'm looking forward to the housewarming party this weekend.  anneliese and i are still together so we're going to drop by if you answer my e-mail and tell me where the party is.  i'm feeling really low right now and i know i shouldn't be and it's just blah i feel like crap oh well no point complaining to you, eh?  i could keep going on for a long long time but i wonder if this is going to show up immediately or if it'll be posted later; i figure immediately but i'm not bothering to check the source and find out so i'll just hit the submit key and see and argh i don't know how to end this.

Mon Sep 10 14:10:15 2001
Submitting Host:

visitor_name:	Nicki
rant:	RICH!!!  I haven't heard from you in a hell of a 
long time.  How have you been?  What are you up 
to? (besides this webpage)

Write soon!


Mon Sep 10 14:08:11 2001
Submitting Host:

visitor_name:	Nicki
rant:	RICH!!!  I haven't heard from you in a hell of a 
long time.  How have you been?  What are you up 
to? (besides this webpage)

Write soon!


Thu Dec 13 22:28:46 2001
Submitting Host:

visitor_name:	Cara
rant:	Hey, you changed the site, I like the new pic, 
but you changed the site, baad!

Tue May 14 11:00:04 2002
Submitting Host:

visitor_name:	Echo (It's me Tara)
rant:	Hi Rich,
Just checking in on your page so that I can 
procrastinate exam study.  Hehe.
Talk to you soon,


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