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There's No Rivalry Here

*sigh* It doesn't get much better than this...

"The fact of the matter is, we can be friends. You know, we're above that kind of simplemindeness." - JC Chasez, 'N SYNC

"We've been friends since we went on tour with them in England about a year and a half ago. They're very down to earth, very talented guys." - Jeff Timmons, 98 Degrees

From the Always 'N Sync board as of 11/17/99

I know that this is an 'N Sync MB but this kinda concerns the guys too, but I'm here on vacation in Manila, Philippines right now, and 98* and Jordan Knight were here last night for a promo concert. My uncle, being a part of the media, got me front row complimentary tickets to the concert, as well as a few meetings with both Jordan and 98*. Let me tell, you, they are the nicest bunch of guys I have ever met. Especially 98*. My uncle told them that I was an 'N Sync fan, and they immediately responded by what a great bunch of guys 'N Sync is. That was really cool and made me feel good. Especially coming from 98*. They put on a great show last night (same with Jordan), and they have a HUGE following here in Manila.

Are you sick of the alleged rivalries? Want to support two great bands? Then just place this html on your page. When it's done, it should look like this.

These boys are smokin'! Your Name is a proud supporter of both 'N SYNC & 98 Degrees. Two great bands, one great friendship.
Wanna show your love for the boys? Click here.

HTML: (Be sure to substitute your name and e-mail.)

<CENTER> <TABLE BORDER=5 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="515"> <TR> <TH> <A HREF="" target="_top"> <IMG SRC="" ALT="These boys are smokin'!" HEIGHT=232 WIDTH=225 ALIGN=LEFT> </A> <FONT SIZE=5> <a href="">Your Name </a>is a proud supporter of both 'N SYNC & 98 Degrees. Two great bands, one great friendship. <br> Wanna show your love for the boys? Click <a href="">here</a>. </font> </TH> </TR> </TABLE> </CENTER>

Here are some of the cool sites supporting this! Check 'em out!

*N SYNC Fantasies
A great 'N Sync fan fiction site that's also home to the Joey Crusade! Drop Crazy1 a line about her groovy stories and help out our Superman!

                    With *N SYNC


Tara's World

If you have this on your page and want me to link ya, just drop a line!