The Moon Prism Room
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The Moon Prism Room

Hi, Everyone! Welcome to the Moon Prism Room! This is the room where my sweet and handsome Darian/Mamo-chan and I play with our bratty, yet lovely daughter Rini/Chibiusa.

Yup, Rini/Chibiusa is my daughter, alright! Can you believe it?!? I know I hardly could when I first found out. She came into my life so suddenly, just when Darian and I had found each other again. We were getting so close, then brat-girl showed up. It was so weird when I first met her, I felt there was some strange closeness between the both of us, but I would've never guessed she was my daughter.

I think that Darian/Mamo-chan and Rini/Chibiusa had their bond since the first time they met. I could tell when I looked into Darian/Mamo-chan's eyes when he talked about her he was filled with an inner happiness. I could see his love when he was with her. They looked so sweet together, I think it kind of made me feel a bit jealous. Rini/Chibiusa told us her parents were in danger and needed my help. I wanted to help immediately!!! In Crystal Tokyo, Darian/Mamo-chan and I got the inevitable shock of our lives. We found out WE were parents!!!

Everyday, I notice more and more of what a great dad, Darian/Mamo-chan is! Not to mention, what a beautiful and wonderful baby girl I have. For some reason I love that spoiled little pink-haired mushroom.

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