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ITJ Projects

* Political Prisoner Cases

Causes for Impeachment: Racism and Corruption in the Federal Judiciary, The United States Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation
This past January, I presented certain members of this Congress with a report that called for an investigation into the conduct of United States District Court judges...


* Police Brutality
What WE Know About the Killing of Charquisa Johnson
We know that on Saturday, April 25, 2003, around 10:00 p.m., white MPD officer John Fitch entered 2312 Green street SE and took the life of 23-year old Charquisa Johnson, the mother of an infant and toddler. We also know that although Fitch has only been of the MPD three-years, this is his second fatal shooting. We know that Fitch has been on paid leave pending a purported “investigation” by the police, never-mind the notorious fraternal “code of silence,” which is all that we have gotten from the police, the city council, and the U.S. Attorney concerning this fatal shooting. Thus far, the only thing we have seen and heard from the system a willful cover up of overwhelming physical evidence and eyewitness testimony within the community........