mindless thoughts & thoughtless minds

This is our section to basically rant and rave about what's on our mind, what's bothering us, what we think is wrong with the world, etc. If you have a peeve or gripe that you would like to tell us about, please email it to us and we'll post it.....And remember, as we always do - "Opinions are like assholes: Everyone has one and everyone always thinks that everybody else's stinks".

Since when has rude behavior become a norm of American society? Did I miss something? Am I missing something now? Why am I bothering to be polite when all other people out there seem to thrive on exhibiting the self-control and self-regulation of a 5 year old? Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like all anybody cares about nowadays is getting what they want. Example: I currently have the “pleasure” of working at a call center, where very rich people call to order things that normal people couldn’t dream of affording. And it’s amazing how pampered and egotistical these people are. They expect nothing less than for you to bend over backwards for them. And, believe me, you don’t want to be in their way if they don’t get exactly what they want. Because no matter what, you’re the reason they’re not getting their way, and there’s going to be hell to pay. Now that I think about it, this isn’t a phenomenon exclusive to the more monetarily fortunate. The same thing happens with salespeople and other retail employees. [Note: Not waiters and waitresses, as their desired tip rests partly upon their own friendliness]. The way most salespeople act, it's almost like they’re doing you a favor by doing their job. And, of course, some of my favorite examples of lowbrow rudeness come from visitors to our site, who sign our guestbook with such witty sayings as; “Your site sux ass”, and “Your site sucks and blows”. Do people realize how ridiculous they sound? Now that I think of it, the whole internet community offers a great way for people to be rude, while hiding behind the face of anonymity. Hey, I’m all for freedom of speech here, but when freedom of speech blurs with freedom to be an asshole, I think we’re in trouble. And, ladies and gentlemen, we’re in trouble.

Okay, here's something we just don't "get"; these misguided people who have tons of money, but nothing to do with their time, and no knowledge of how to do anything productive or worthwhile with that time or money. We guess their butlers and maids do all their work for them. Poor babies, they're just bored. So what do they do? Well, they decide to try to fly around the world in a hot air balloon! Hey, that's what we would do if we only had the time and money. So, they get in their balloons and decide to give it a shot. Who gives a crap if they don't know how to work the damn balloon? Hmm....maybe if they weren't used to getting whatever they wanted their whole lives, then it would cross their minds that maybe they would fail at something once in awhile. But alas, they are so guarded and pampered that the thought of failure or not getting what they want never crosses their mind. All the much more, they think that having money makes them more apt for success in any endeavors; as if success can be bought. They just haven't figured out yet that money can't buy everything. They might have all the money in the world, but some things (even something as ridiculous as hot air ballooning around the world) don't change in accordance to the amount of money the individual possesses. (We want to point out here that we're not talking about all rich people, just a particular subset of the culture). See, this particular group of rich people lusts after recognition and praise. And they want to buy it instead of earning it. They literally want to buy their self worth. So, okay, these rich dopes are in their balloons, and it's pretty inevitable that they're going to crash. They usually land in the ocean. Why they don't just go splat on the ground is their own dumb luck, we guess. At any rate, they've crashed, and they're bobbing in the ocean. It isn't long before some rescue party (the Coast Guard?) has to haul butt out there to save these bored, rich little idiots. Our tax dollars hard at work here, huh? Funny though, that the government doesn't see fit to help out those who really need help. Why not let those rich folks bob in the water a little longer and help those who really need assistance? In conclusion: People in hot air balloons trying to sail around the world = too much time, too much money and no stinkin' common sense! Aahh....we feel better now.

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Okay, here's something we've had tacked on our refrigerator door for the past decade or so, which we think is an especially important thing to remember...

Resent Somebody. The moment you start to resent a person, you become their slave. They control your dreams, absorb your digestion, rob you of your peace of mind and good will, and take away the pleasure of your work.

They ruin your spirituality and nullify your prayers. You can not take a vacation without them going along! They destroy your freedom of mind and hound you wherever you go. There is no way to escape the person you resent.

They are with you when you are awake. They invade your privacy when you sleep. They are close beside you when you eat, when you drive your car, and when you are on the job.

You can never have efficiency of happiness. They influence even the tone of your voice. They require you to take medicine for indigestion, headaches and loss of energy. They even steal your last moment of consciousness before you go to sleep.

So if you want to be a slave, harbor your resentments.

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Email: dmc@intercom.net

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