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United CB'ers of Watergate City-CB Club

United CB'ers of Watergate City

WDC 1999 Nation-Wide CB Break - Page 1

Early crew gathering at the mud rack
Early crew gathering at the mud rack

Hanging out at the mud rack on Rt. 450
Hanging out at the mud rack on Rt. 450

Youngstown Ohio in the house
Youngstown Ohio in the house

51 and Roadmaster hanging out at the mud rack
51 and Roadmaster hanging out at the mud rack

Stevie Wonder and 888 at the mud rack
Stevie Wonder and 888 at the mud rack

Unloading Killer1248_md's 4Runner
Unloading Killer1248_md's 4Runner

Getting the registration desk ready
Getting the registration desk ready

Registration starts at the Break Hotel
Registration starts at the Break Hotel

Getting everyone signed in and on their way
Getting everyone signed in and on their way

Chocolate Kiss keeping everything in order
Chocolate Kiss keeping everything in order

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