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United CB'ers of Watergate City-CB Club

United CB'ers of Watergate City

WDC 1999 Nation-Wide CB Break - Page 2

Country Preacher on the job
Country Preacher on the job

Angel, Big Five and Playboy hanging around the registration table
Angel, Big Five and Playboy hanging around the registration table

Big Motor and Stomp Down
Big Motor and Stomp Down

God Father relaxing in the lobby of the Break Hotel
God Father relaxing in the lobby of the Break Hotel

Big Five and Bumper Car
Big Five and Bumper Car

Big Man-Big Gun, OH. Working the table in the goodie store
Big Man-Big Gun, OH. Working the table in the goodie store

Loud Mouth Boxes (Jimmy Built)
Loud Mouth Boxes (Jimmy Built)

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Star Gun antennas
Star Gun antennas

Monkey made antennas
Monkey made antennas

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