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United CB'ers of Watergate City-CB Club

United CB'ers of Watergate City

WDC 1999 Nation-Wide CB Break - Page 4

Club members: Blue Steel, 888 and 140
Blue Steel, 888 and 140

Stevie Wonder and 888's YL
Stevie Wonder and 888's YL

800, 888, Stevie Wonder, 54 and 140
800, 888, Stevie Wonder, 54 and 140

Hanging outside the break hotel
Hanging outside the break hotel

4001 is a busy man on the cell phone
4001 on the cell phone

Gentle Giant (GG) ease dropping
Gentle Giant (GG) ease dropping

Founder of the United CB'ers of Watergate City - DAD (184)
DAD (184)

Killer1248_md and 888 with YL at the Grand Ball
Killer1248_md and 888 with YL

Good-Time-Charlie's sign of approval

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