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A Blatant Attack on Shallowness

 I do not consider myself an angry person. In fact, I usually like to think of myself as rather chipper. I sometimes go as far as to say that I'm an optimist. But I am one disenchanted chipper optimist. I am disenchanted with the attitude some people have. I am disappointed with a lot of people. And, ya know what? I'm doing something about it. I am sick and tired of seeing people judged on the basis of their appearance rather than on the content of their character. I am sick and tired of people being called "losers" just because they don't have enough friends to be deemed "worthy" of the term "normal." Because, ya know what? If you're gonna judge people on things like that, I don't want to be your friend.

 Case in point: clothing. Ya know what? SOME people can't afford to wear over-priced brand name designer garbage. And a lot of us who can don't! Ya know why? That's because it's over-priced brand name designer garbage! OK, I'm not one to judge people on how they look. If you really really like wearing stuff like that, more power to ya! But don't go around being disrespectful to people who don't! We should appreciate each other's individuality! If someone is draped in black velvet, plether, and chains, don't automatically make an ad homonym comment like, "Oh my God, Buffy! Look at that freak! She is so not bomb." That's just as bad as having prejudice against someone because of the color of their skin, their religion, or their sexual orientation. Bigotry is bigotry whether it be against Blacks, Jews, gays, or people who just don't like Tommy friggin Hilfiger!

 Now, again, I'm not saying that preppy clothing is bad. One of my best friends in the world dresses in clothing that would be deemed "preppy." But ya know why? It's cause that's all that they're selling these days! Do you have any idea how hard it is to find clothing that doesn't make you look like just another Gap clone? I'm telling you, Honey, it's a nightmare. Don't let designers decide who's "normal" and who isn't! If you choose to use clothes to express yourself, great! If you choose to wear whatever is comfortable, no matter how it looks, that's fabulous! If you want to look just like the anorexic waifs in Seventeen, well ya know what, that's just dandy too! But no matter who you are, appreciate these differences; don't make judgement calls on people based on those differences. I was just recently having a conversation with a certain Structure-clad individual who shall remain nameless. He was giving me a list of reasons why he was cool (I'm restraining from making the relation between people who wear a lot of stuff from Structure and gratuitous public self-affirmation because that would be bigoted.). The list was as follows:

1. I look good
2. I have style
3. I have a fun personality

 HE~LLO! The top two reasons why this guy is "cool" are based soley on his physical appearance! (OK, it could be argued that "style" has to do with personality, but I don't think he meant it that way.) Number THREE, people! Number THREE was the first one that had anything to do with what is inside. Fashion changes. Style changes. But, Honey, a kind, warm personality is always in style. So if you have the gall to insult, antagonize, slander, and look down upon people just because they don't dress the way you do, get a friggin reality check. If you are that shallow, then you need to realize that no matter how you appear to other people, the only thing that really matters is what's inside. Take off your mask and look in the mirror. After you shudder in disgust, put back on your designer get-up and say "Hi!" to that girl in the black lipstick. Say "Top o' the mornin!" to the guy in the worn flannel and raggedy jeans. Spread the love, man. I yearn to live in peace and harmony with my preppy brothers and sisters. A great idol of mine once said, "If you rip off all of our skin, underneath, we're all pink." Another guy said, "If you prick us, do we not bleed?" Go prick someone! Try it! They'll bleed, trust me. If you still don't get the picture, do us all a favor and prick yourself. Okay, I'm done.
