Here are some of my links. (More Links)
The Rock's Official Website
Ready To Rumble's Official Site
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Current Title holders
Title histories
Finishing moves (more will be added soon)
WCW Great American Bash Results
WCW Past PPV Results
WCW Mayhem CD
Current Title holders
Title histories
Finishing moves (more will be added soon)
WWF Judgement Day Results
WWF Past PPV Results
WWF The Music Volume 4
The People's Column -- 7/27/99
Theme Musics/Wav speeches
Wrestling holds we know (more to be added)
Wallpapers (More Coming...)
Real Names List (some are listed)
Forum/Chat room
You know you watch too much wrestling when...
Wolfpac lyrics -- look at this
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Awards we have won
Past Poll Results
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Once again, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, smart remarks, poll questions you would like us to ask, or you can tell us what else you would like to see at "The Whoop-ass Wrestling Site" please drop us a line by emailing : Kerry & Dennis. Your input will be greatly apprecatied, whatever it is, so feel free to email us. To see the winner of the last Poll click on Past Poll Results.
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