The End

Part Four

"So does anybody have any theories?" Jenny asked. Davy and Micky exchanged glances.

"I think I might know something that sheds some light on the subject," Davy offered. "Mike and Petah were both asked, or rather demanded, to take care of a stone."

"A stone?" Jenny asked.

"Right. There was something imporant about that stone. Magic or something. It kept glowing. We needed a favor from a chick, and in returnn she asked Mike and Peter to hold on to the stone."

"Why?" Lou asked.

"I don't know," Davy replied.

"All we know is that she asked them to hold on to it. It was supposed to be guarded for someone important," Micky explained.

"Somebody she called 'the chosen one'," Davy put in.

"Yeah, only there's two of them," Micky recalled. "She said she took Peter and Mike because they were the ones most closely related to the chosen ones."

"So these 'chosen ones' were supposed to have the stone?" Sarah asked. She frowned in thought.

"Sounds like an old legend," Jenny commented.

"How did it go?" Sarah asked.

"I'm not sure. Some old gypsy lady used to tell it to my mother when she was a kid and she started telling me. It was kind of an end of the world, apocalypse story."

"What do you remember about it?" Davy asked, eagerly.

"Well in the story the world was this doomed place with crime running rampant and a plauge they couldn't cure. It was controlled by a lot of evil, money hungry people."

"There were some nice people of course but they didn't show it. I mean that they were nice on the inside but acted mean around everyone else. I guess to fit in. But the main character was this chick who was nice. She didn't want to act mean so she kind of hid from everyone. On her 18th birthday, at least that's the age I think she was, she found a stone in the gutter that some one had dropped. It was like this stone of power. She some how found this dude who was the same age as her and had a similar stone. Then they saved the world. But I don't remember how they did that exactly."

Davy shook his head. "You don't remember how they saved the world?" he asked. "Jenny, that might be the most important part!"

"I know," she replied in a half-whine. "I don't remember!"

"Do you remember anything else about the story?" Nicole asked. "Anything else at all?"

Jenny thought a moment.

"Just one thing," she remembered after a moment. "The chick and the guy, you know that saved the world? They had never met before, but they were cousins. I think their parents were brothers or something like that."

"Well, that story was extremely helpful," Micky mumbled sarcastically. No one replied, and the room went silent for a few momeents.

"The only siblings that I can think of are Mike and Nicole," Davy decided logically.

"But Mike doesn't have any kids--does he?" Micky asked.

Davy stood up and began to pace, frowning thoughtfully. "I get the impression that Thomas would be that chosen one, but the girl?"

"Maybe he does have a child that he's not supposed to know about," Nicole spoke up. "Jenny did say that they didn't meet or find out they were cousins for a while."

"True," Davy commented.

"All interesting," Lou commented, bringing them all back to the matter at hand once again. "But it doesn't answer the question of what happened to Mike and Peter."


It was almost nightfall when Mike and Peter finally found shelter in a nearby cave. Peter moved to the back of the cave and rubbed his arms, trying to warm up.

"I don't think we should split up," Mike told him. "But we do have to get a fire started We were okay because of the sun beatin' down on us all day. But now that it's night, we'll freeze." Peter nodded weakly and trudged to the front of the cave. He paused in the enterance.

"There's plenty of trees around, Mike," he pointed out. The clearing around the cave was littered with dead branches, twigs, and sticks that had fallen from the trees in the last storm.

"Why don't you stay in the area and gather the wood and then we won't have to split up?" he suggested.

"Good idea," Mike agreed. He gathered a bunch of twigs and sticks together and left them at the cave. He gave them to Peter and went out to find more, leaving Peter to start the fire.

By the time he had returned a few moments later, he was surprised to find that Peter had already goten a blazing fire.

"How'd you learn to do that?" he asked. Peter shrugged.

"'Member when you ran off to Alaska and I ran after you?" he asked casually. Mike nodded. "I came through the woods with a dog sled driver and halfway there he ran out of matches. So he taught me how to make a fire."

Mike nodded and sat next to the fire. "Feels a little warmer now," he commented. Peter nodded and sneezed.

"I think I'm getting sick," he told Mike.

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