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Welcome to my Original Stuff! If you're not into Monkees stuff, or you're just in a mood to read something different, this is the place for you! Here you'll find my various poems and a few original stories. Read and Enjoy and, as always, let me know what you think of 'em!

Mind Over Matter

A big series. :-) One girl has a strange secret. What is it? Will she tell anyone? What will they think? What happens then? To find out all these answers, READ!

A girl with a secret she's afraid to tell.

Veronica's decided to spill the secret, but will her friends accept her?

Her friends react to her secret.

Mind Over Matter
Veronica's secret comes in handy when trouble brews.

Veronica finds some answers about her past.

Attempt to Kill
Alternate title: Veronica Saves the Day (again). A few problems arise when Geri makes a new friend.

Latest Adventure
This is perpetually unfinished. Maybe I'll get around to writing it some more, but for now, this series is complete. Well, it's not, but it's as complete as it's gonna get!


Very Long. Tentative Title. In progress. Takes place in an alternate future universe. Basic Plot: Several friends try to save the world. For a more complex plot, read! ^_^

Part One (REVISED 05-23)
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four

UPDATED!!! Future? Picture gallery! A few pictures by yours truly that illustrate this story! More pictures added 07-24-01!!


(Not actually a poem. Just a rambling) In the far future, one woman chooses to live alone instead of with companions. Her thoughts.

Final Thoughts
Sorta sad/angry poem I wrote when I was in a particular mood. Not that great. Just me rambling.

A poem I wrote for Creative writing class about how important friends are.

Complex Me
Another poem about how strange it is to be me.

Love Poems
Two rather sappy poems I wrote. "Untitled Love" and "Miss Me?" Enjoy and bring barf bags unless you're a sappy romantic person!

Life of A King?
Just a dorky poem about a dork I work with. No names named. Actually, it could apply to almost any male in the 18-24 age group.

How Do I Feel?
A rather depressing poem by yours truly. Read and Cry - either at the moving stuff or because it sucks and you feel bad for me. ^_^.

More stories and poems to come soon!

Last updated July 24, 2001!

New pics added to the Future? Picture gallery. A little less lame than the old ones. New poem added..."How Do I Feel?" More Future coming soon. ^_^

Future? Picture gallery added! Drawings by me. Go and laugh at them! No, really! I am BAD at drawing people. But laugh anyway. ^_^

New Story Added Part Four. New Banner Added. New Poem Added..."Life of a King?". Enjoy!

COMING SOON: More Poems, and More to the New Story!

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