may 25, 1998
~ 4:35pm ~
when all is one and one is all
listening to: beatles/led zep
album: abbey road/IV
fave song: octopus' garden/stairway to heaven
feeling: not too bad; creative
weather: eh...
happy memorial day to everyone...a moment of
okay...i haven't been up to much today...i reorganized
my cd's...all 100 some of them...hopefully, i'll be able
to find them all. i'm listening to a tape, which is one
side beatles, the other led zep...i just had to explain
the side and everything...
i also practiced some guitar today, which was pretty
cool (for about half an hour). i read some of to kill a
mockingbird and tonight, i'm gonna study for a history
quiz tomorrow. that's about all i had for homework.
i finished sybil last night, and it was pretty good.
kinda of weird, but i enjoyed it. for some reason, i like
psychological books like that. *shrugs* the next book i'm
gonna read, other than to kill a mockingbird (which is
surprisingly interesting) is here on earth by alice
hoffman. it looks interesting.
anyhow, i'm not really sure what else to say. i've
been wanting to talk to nathanael all day~not that i have
anything pressing to tell him, but just to talk to him
would be really nice. i probably will tonight, because
that's normally when we talk to each other.
things seemed to have straightened themselves out with
him (umm...look at the entry i break at the
bend)...yeppers...hmm...anyhow...i think i'm gonna go
upload all of this stuff that i've done today and then go
eat dinner...
daughter, o' daughter, come away with
listening to: brollywacker
album: above around behind below
fave song: love and freedom
feeling: blah
weather: warm
and later it is...i'm avoiding writing my speech for
the election speeches, and mine has to be done by
wednesday. i have no clue as to what i'm thinking, what
i'm going to do...blah blah blah!
i called nathanael and he was going somewhere, so...i
talked to beka for about five or ten minutes, and that
was cool~i wanted to talk to nathanael, so i'm all pouty
now...but, i'll live...
i don't know what i'm going to say in my speech!!! i
don't mind public speaking (actually, i kind of enjoy
it), but i don't want to write the speech. why?? gah...
anyhow, i guess i should stop complaining and start
doing something else (probably write my speech, but i
doubt it...)