july 24, 1998
~ 5:00pm ~

you love to turn this little blue girl upside down

listening to: "man you really make us think" mix [for angela]
: various
fave song: majority of 'em
feeling: pretty good
weather: hot, but cold sometimes (at least in the house...)

hey there!

last night at nathanael's was really really cool. we watched monty python and the holy grail and it was so much stupid fun. we also just listened to music, played chess. just existing together and being together, it's so amazing and happy-fying...

*smiles widely*

right now, i'm at someone's page and checking out pre-raph art work, and it's all so beautiful. i love that style of painting, but never really knew what it was called. it's so beautiful...*smiles*

tonight, we may be going to ledo's for dinner, but i don't know...then i'd get to see nathanael for like, fifteen minutes, at least.

anyhow, i really don't know what much to say. i haven't been up to much, and i'm just really really incredibly happy...i think i'm gonna go work on something else...

~ 10:15pm ~

i'm telling you that i am different than you think i am

listening to: ani difranco
album: not a pretty girl
fave song: not sure yet, most of 'em
feeling: blah
weather: hot, but cold sometimes (at least in the house...)

*sits at computer screen, staring at it blankly*

i don't have much to say and i was going to practice guitar tonight, but that doesn't sound intriguing or fun or anything. i really want to get a new one, just because...well, i can't really explain why.

i don't really want to play guitar because i want to write tonight. i haven't sat and write for a while. i typed up a story i found from a while ago. it's kind of weird, but i like it.

i really like this album so far. it's not angry, perse, but it's doing something to me, deep inside, that i just can't explain. it's like i'm sitting here, listening to something from everclear...like, nervous & weird or fire maple song (take a look at the new section in the thoughts section to understand what i'm talking about).

i'm talking to jennifer (from ICQ) and i just feel a lot better than i had when i first started this entry. there's something about talking and working on web stuff that just calms me and makes me feel better...

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