Wilkins Researcher

Barbara Wilkins Tumlinson

Phone number: 830-249-4898
Postal address: 1200 S. Main, Apt. 17, Boerne, TX. 78006-2824

My family tree is located on a user page called THE WILKINS-LOMAN FAMILY TREE at the FAMILY TREE MAKER website, you can pull up my family tree from that user page called THE WILKINS-LOMAN FAMILY TREE OR download my family tree from the user page. I am constantly adding new info, correcting existing info in atleast once a week to ten days. I have been researching my ancestral grandparents for almost 20 years, my goal is to find all the way back to my IMMIGRANT ancestral grandparents and their siblings and after that my goal is to find all the descendants of them (if I live that long!!!). I have alot of detailed info. on the individuals in my tree, but if you email me, I will be happy to download my family record files (in FAMILY TREE MAKER format) to you. Presently my tree contains around 350 people which includes alot of descendants, too. I plan to export a copy of my family record files once I ever figure out how to do it. Without using the instructions my computer gives me, it is the atomic bomb formula to me no matter how many times I try doing it.

Wilkins/Wilkens Researchers - page 1 listings
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