Wilkins/Wilkens Researcher - K. Wilkens

Contact: KLWilkens@AOL.com

John Henry (Hank) WILKENS b. 1855 Hamburg, Germany. Painter by trade. Married Magdalena KELLER 1878 in Cincinnati, OH. He d. 28 Oct. 1922 in Bowling Green, OH. Their sons included Henry F., Emil B. & Joseph. There were also twin daughters.

Joseph may have married Anna B. OH. Their children are Margaret, Irene, Emma, Joe Jr., Raymond, Henry & James. Would like to make contact with any of Joseph's descendants.

It's possible J. Henry WILKENS at age 19 left Hamburg, Germany and arrived in NY 6/20/1874. Would like to confirm and find out more about his parents.

Wilkins/Wilkens Researchers - Page 1 listings
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